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33, da Stati Uniti
August 30, 2009 22:39
August 30, 2009 22:39
would you rather have oprah winfrey or rosie o'donnell as your mom?
would you rather be able to read people's minds or walk through walls?
would you rather be superman or spiderman?
would you rather be in harry potter or lord of the rings?
would you rather lose sight in your eyes or lose your hearing?
would you rather be fat and happy or beautiful and depressed?
30, da Stati Uniti
August 31, 2009 00:50
August 31, 2009 00:50
rosie o'donnell - shes funny
read peoples minds (:
neither - but harry potter i guess
ummmm. hearing.
fat and happy. =D
29, da Finlandia
Nuovo Membro
September 20, 2009 15:33
September 20, 2009 15:33
I really don't know - but I don't know who Rosie O'donnel is, so I have to say Oprah.
Read people minds - then my life would be so easy...
Lord of the Rings - Legolas<3
Mabe... Sight in eyes - music is the life for me.
fat and happy - that's what I am ! 😃
29, da India
September 21, 2009 05:44
September 21, 2009 05:44
1) I don't know either of them 🙁
2)People's mind 😃
3)Spiderman ofcourse 😃
4) Harry Potter 😃
5) Sight 😃
6) FAT and HAPPY 😃
32, da Francia
September 21, 2009 20:50
September 21, 2009 20:50
1. Oprah !!!
2. read people's mind, definitely 😉
3. Spiderman
4. Harry Potter, i already have glasses 😛
5. well i guess i already lost a part of my sight 😁
6. fat and happy
34, da Malaysia
Nuovo Membro
January 13, 2010 17:15
January 13, 2010 17:15
1. Rosie O'Donell - she's funny right?
2. Walk through walls - i wouldn't want anyone to read my mind
3. Superman - he can fly!
4. Harry Potter! - Wingardium Leviosa!
5. Lose my hearing - i'd can live in silence
6. Fat n happy - who said fat people can't be beautiful?
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