Opinion about tattoos & piercings?

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I want a hummingbird tattoo because it means to me freedom.

where do you want to make that tattoo? 🙂
I wish i could make a huge tattoo on the chest, but besides the money i am still not sure what picture.

maybe i want hummingbird tattoo on my heart

I think that piercings and tattoos are cool, but you can not overdo it. Too many tattoos and piercings do not look good. I have an earring on my face and I am doing a tattoo myself.

I think that piercings and tattoos are cool, but you can not overdo it. Too many tattoos and piercings do not look good. I have an earring on my face and I am doing a tattoo myself.
I know. Thanks for the advice

I thing they're so cool. I have one piercing on my navel!

I‘m not a fan from tattots.

I want a Tattoo! 🙂
With " Veni. Vidi. Vici"

You wouldn't shoot holes into a beautiful building, nor would you paint graffiti all over it. So why poke holes in your body? Why graffiti all over it?

This sentence is so wrong that I don't even know where to start.

I would say, if you need the opinions of other people about that, you should not do it...

It is your body. If you were sure you wouldn't have to ask.

I have 13 tattoos, from a small word to a full chest tattoo and I would never give a damn about how other see that. Same for my 8 piercings and the stretched ear...

I was always sure about the "side effects"...

Tattoos are permanent and leave deposits in the lymphatic system.

Piercings are foreign objects that can cause troubles and leave holes when you remove them.
I know there can be scars left.

My ear will never go back to a small earring like hole.

If you are sure about this and you want it... Do it... If not, let it be...

And for the shoot holes in a beautiful building. My body is a canvas that I can design the way I want it. And if I look like I had a date with Jackson Pollock... It's my business, not yours.

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