Your ambitions? Tout et rien

What are all of your ambitions and why??

Mine is to open a Gothique Sweet Shoppe/Retro Diner!!! i love candy and sweets and I LOVE to cook!! plus, what better way to show my veiw points to the world then making little black head shaped lolipops??

I have a lot of different ideas about what I could do, but I think the most realistic of the bunch is to move to Japan and teach English there. Not too exciting, but I like to teach people things. Other ideas range from Translator to rapper to business owner. lol. All of my ambitions lead to Japan, though. That's the one thing I want above all else.

I would like to go to your Gothique Sweet Shoppe/Retro Diner when you open it🙂😃
My ambition is to become a Psychologist 🙂 But if that fails ( which it probably will 😛)
I would also like to travel to Japan and live there for a while and learn their culture 🙂
I totally LOVE there fashion, it's soo cool and individual 😛
I would also like to travel the whole world 🙂 It would be beautiful and expensive 😛

I want to be a photographer and travel all over the world! Why stay in one place when there's a whole world out there after all. :smile

My ambition is to finish writing my book 🙂

I hope that everbody will fullfill your dreams. My ambition are, having my driving lesson, have my university certificate and have a wife and kids.

My ambitions are to go to college and to play soccer in college. Also, I want to be a teacher, and maybe do some freelance photography as well. And when I grow up I want to live in an old farm house and I want to renovate it.

We'll see how all that goes. 🙂

Several ambitions to me 😁
I want to :
-finish to write my books, closedeyes
-fight for my rights surrender
-have a happy and sweet home with my lover 001_tt1
-become a lawyer and study at "Science-Po" smartass
-found a book house 😃
-having my driving lesson :clap
-stay in touch with my friends
-win the national lottery xD
-and travel all over the world

mines are;
- get a professional & expensive camera.
- be a professional photographer & graphic designer.
- get rich. 😃
- meet nice people
- find a perfect match 😃
- buy a gothic castle. yeah i want it so much. 😃

I'd like to travel around the world and meet many interesting people. ; ))

I would like to see the whole world, to take guitar lessons, to take acting lessons, to join a dance club, learn to fish , win a prize at a cosplay contest , find a good match and have a house( with a pool) on the beach or somewhere in the mountains , have a good job , have a cool car 😃 , to have my family and friends close to me always , meet celebrities , go to concerts and more 😃

I want to be a giraffe in the lion king musical on broadway!!

I have lots of things that I want to do with my life.
Go around the world in a boat.
Starr in a musical on Broadway.
Audition for Disney.
Get a Record DEAL.
Meet celebrities.
Write a book.
Making Music. etc

There are lot of thing I would like to do.
- get my diploma ( his would be a good beginning XD )
- work in the animated film, and getting out as many movies and make people dream ( as Hayao Miyazaki *o* ! )
- and after opening a production studio ^_^

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