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Looking for friends all over the world to write back and forth too 🙂 I want to learn about everyday life in their country. I want to learn about their foods they eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. I also just want to you the person as an individual. I love meeting new friends from all over the world 🙂 I've already got friends from Poland, the Netherlands, and Germany. It's honestly amazing to know their different holidays. Today in Poland, they have a holiday called Poland Santa Clause Day 🙂 I learned that yesterday 🙂 And yesterday in the Netherlands, it was a holiday called Sinterklaas. My friend Sven let me know and learn about that holiday yesterday 🙂
Hi, I am also looking for people exchanging letters. I used to write letters when I was 15. Now, I wanted to start again. I am open to write to any one irrespective of age, gender, race and religion. Please contact me if you are looking for long term friendship.