Looking for a real penpal friend

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Hey i'm looking for a real penpal friend of 14 years old. I would like somebody from england cause i like to know more about the culture there. So do you wanna be my penpalfriend? Please write me🙂

Hey i'm looking for a real penpal friend of 14 years old. I would like somebody from england cause i like to know more about the culture there. So do you wanna be my penpalfriend? Please write me🙂
Hey! Nice to meet you 🙂
My name is Grey... I'm French and I am looking for penpal friends too. If you want to... We can be friends? Write me.

O yah sure but i'm actually looking for a girl...
don't see me like a hater but thats just how it is

Never been to the UK and i dont plan on going there anytime soon but we could be friends c;

Hi I'm looking for a real penpal friend too. Is anybody who likes to write with me ?
