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30, from France
August 10, 2015 00:48
August 10, 2015 00:48
Hello people ! I just wanna know your answer about this question: if one day you got 1 million €/£/$, what would you buy ?
Its interesting to know people's answers and also a good way to know someone's tastes haha 🙂
30, from France
August 11, 2015 02:25
August 11, 2015 02:25
I got to admit, you're the first person who told me something, almost, simple. That's a nice thing and your idea is pretty nice 🙂
30, from France
August 16, 2015 22:24
August 16, 2015 22:24
You guys have nice projects 🙂 very interesting especially the one about opening hostels !
For me, its a bit the same than oniksfly, i want to create an enterprise in investment and i think i will put everything (or most of the money) in my enterprise to gain more !
Btw, thank you all to reply me in this subject 🙂
27, from Turkey
August 17, 2015 00:11
August 17, 2015 00:11
Just like almost all people: to travel around world 🙂 And making my studies more efficient. And of course a dream gaming system! 🙂
28, from France
New Member
August 27, 2015 14:32
August 27, 2015 14:32
If I have a lot of of money, I'll go to live in a other country and stay there until I'll have no one penny haha
27, from Canada
August 28, 2015 17:45
August 28, 2015 17:45
Well, be able to have better studies,
Some travelling
And buy a new house
26, from Turkey
August 28, 2015 19:11
August 28, 2015 19:11
The best gaming computer,
The fastest internet,
An Audi,
And i would go to language courses
30, from Gibraltar
Global Moderator
September 01, 2015 03:20
September 01, 2015 03:20
2-3 holiday villas in a small but visited place, acquire a sizeable chunk of the local tourism market share, grow until I have the monopoly there, start investing in the transport infrastructure there, expand to another place, rinse and repeat several times then cash out and retire 🙂
23, from Netherlands
New Member
September 06, 2015 18:40
September 06, 2015 18:40
I would buy a VW van and then I would just.. live in it..... XD
30, from France
September 06, 2015 21:08
September 06, 2015 21:08
Wow guys, y'all got an interesting project 😛 thanks y'all to reply me !
28, from France
September 13, 2015 12:46
September 13, 2015 12:46
I would visit the world and let some money to people who I think deserve it
26, from Germany
New Member
September 13, 2015 21:11
September 13, 2015 21:11
I would travel the world and get to learn new cultures and people.
31, from Italy
February 06, 2016 10:55
February 06, 2016 10:55
I'd buy a little cottage in a quiet place to live and I'd buy food for the poor people around me, I'd help in some way because they deserve as much as me.
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