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Hi everybody, I'm a seventeen-year-old-French girl who likes among many stuffs, English (or American) language and discovering foreign cultures. So, I'm looking for an American penpal, girl or boy, whatever, but between 15 and 25 years old would be better. I'd like to improve my English (can help youfor French of course), and to learn about American culture. And why not, make friends =)
I'm not american, but if you want I would love to be penfriends with you 🙂 I'm 16, I live in Lithuania, write me if you want 😉 Best wishes from Lithuania!!!
hi there :]
I'm Sophie and very interested in finding a penpal too! I'm also 17 and I live in Indiana in the United States. If you're still interested in finding an American penpal, i would love to chat with you. email or add me :]