Cosplay. Your opinion and cool stories :3 Tutto e niente

Hey dudes
Does anybody doing cosplay or trying copy his/her favourite character?~

I started watching anime some months ago and tried to cosplay one character..well..I have to learn a lot xD

But I would love to do a really good one.. maybe Grell Sutcliff or Noface :3

And you? 😉

I guess making Grell is difficulte 😆
You watched Black Butler, didn't you?

Well. Month ago I made Italy from Hetalia. Now I try to make lolita.
And my cosplay of Finland is dead .D

I want to cosplay))
I think that´s cool and we have a day of Japan here where many people do that
but it´s cold so I´m searching for a cool cosplay that also keeps warm)

You can take a photo session in warm room :33
I remember, one girl decided to take a photo in the field during the January. She was in shorts and T-shirt without any warm clothes. Sad but true.

the da of Japan is outside 🙁
and it´s very cold there...
I also saw there many many people in just a bra and shorts...

I'm into cosplay!