What's app!

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hello 001_rolleyes

I'm Sharon from Holland, 16 years old.

Someone would like to talk on What's app? it's more easy for me 🙂


what's that? o.O

an app to massage.. But i don't got it 🙁
For me it's easier on facebook 🙂

To massage ? xD i want one ! Haha

Whatsapp - Downloadable in the App-store.
Option to send free texts by internet, or record your voice, send video's and pictures. All by the internet. 🙂
_ for people who don't know it 😛


If you are still looking for someone to chat with by whatsapp, here I am 😉

I also have what´s app in case anyone is interested ...

hello my name is Heike, I'm from germany, I'm 46 years old & I'm interesst to have some nice conversations in English, I love England & I love to talk from guys there, maybe in my age, love to go out with friends for a drink or meal, cinema, concerts, my doggy, love the singer Pink, Queen and so on...is there anybody out there, who are also interesst on a friendship & to write or skype a little bit...please write back to me...

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