World Cup 2014

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Hi everybody !
I open the topic about World Cup 2014 at Brazil. I don't if it's the good place to post. Else, the qualifications already began two years ago. Even in Asia, the qualificaitons are over are finished. If they are Australian, Japanese, South Korean and Iranian, congratulations with you for qualication. But for the rest of world, it's not over. But for some countries yes.

Talk all about World Cup 2014 and the last match of qualification approach. Make your predictions or encourage your teams here 😉

Brazil vs Germany for the World Cup final!

I hope Sweden will make it to the World Cup, but it's a tough group. Germany will win our group for sure. :s

Come on Belgium ! We are the outsider but we have a lot of young talented individuals. 🙂

xAngy muokkasi tätä .

I really want Poland won the qualification to World Cup 2014 🙂 But my dream final is Italy-Brazil NOT SPAIN!

-MichalPoland- muokkasi tätä .
D87 D87

We Germans have a saying: "A soccer game lasts 90min and in the end Germany wins." - how strange that our last won World Championship was in 1990. But let's try it again in Brazil! 🙂

Congrulations to the 32 qualifiers :

Japan, Australia, Iran, South Korea

South America:
Brazil (host), Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Chile and Ecuador

North Amercia:
Costa Rica, Honduras, USA nad Mexico

Algeria, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana

Spaine, Germany, Italy, England, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Russia, Portugal, Greece, Croatia, the Netherlands and welcome to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tämä aihe on ollut epäaktiivinen jonkin aikaa ja on nyt vain luku -tilassa.