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when do you take a bath? morning? evening?
무엇이든 다
35, 대만에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
September 01, 2008 06:08
September 01, 2008 06:08
I always take a bath in the night...
after that, I will have a good sleep 🙂
29, 인도에서 옴
정기적인 멤버
September 08, 2008 14:23
September 08, 2008 14:23
hahahah what a funny question really
i take my bath especially in the morning or at night .🙂
32, 프랑스에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
September 08, 2008 20:36
September 08, 2008 20:36
I usually take a bath just before i go to bed 😁
33, 브라질에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
September 14, 2008 00:00
September 14, 2008 00:00
humm different question 😉
well, I take the bath 3 times a day: before school, after school and at night, before sleep...
32, 미국에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
September 16, 2008 02:13
September 16, 2008 02:13
It just depends I would like to take a bath up to at least three times a day, but I never do. I usually take a bath just once, and that's before bed. Every once in a while I'll take it in the morning. Once in a blue moon I take one morning and night. FYI if you take a bath before you go to bed your sheets will be cleaner than if you just take a bath in the morning.
34, 핀란드에서 옴
새로운 멤버
October 03, 2008 14:23
October 03, 2008 14:23
I take a shower whenever i like during the day. :tongue:
40, 필리핀에서 옴
새로운 멤버
November 29, 2008 07:06
November 29, 2008 07:06
Morning after waking up and at night. Usually the night bath takes longer. 🙂
29, 이스라엘에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
November 29, 2008 10:34
November 29, 2008 10:34
Night.... Just before i go to sleep
34, 프랑스에서 옴
새로운 멤버
December 10, 2008 14:39
December 10, 2008 14:39
Never, i'm too ecological 😁 i have the impression that i kill the earth when i take a bath!!... Yes, i know , this can be too exessive and useless but whatever, i prefer taking shower !!
31, 미국에서 옴
새로운 멤버
July 16, 2009 02:04
July 16, 2009 02:04
i take a bath in the morning so i'm fresh and clean for the world and a bathat night so i don't sleep with all the slosh the world gave me.
30, 미국에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
July 16, 2009 16:41
July 16, 2009 16:41
I take a shower in the morning, and either a bath or a shower before I go to bed. 🙂
30, 지브롤터에서 옴
글로벌 중재자
July 17, 2009 10:50
33, 미국에서 옴
자유로운 멤버
August 30, 2009 22:33
August 30, 2009 22:33
i take a shower before i go to bed so that my hair is easy to manage in the morning 🙂
31, 중국에서 옴
열렬한 멤버
October 20, 2009 11:32
October 20, 2009 11:32
just before i go to bed and the morning..before I go to schoolllllllll.......😛
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