Mail friends

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hi everybody! I'm italian and i'm searching for some foreign e-mail friends by 15 to 17. Doesn't matter where you come from, i speak english spanish and french and i want to learn other languages if it happen.
So if you're interested leave a comment
byee closedeyes

Hi! I'd like to be your penpal 🙂 I can speak English, Italian and Hungarian 😃
See you soon,

I'm interesting by you too ! 🙂 It would be a pleasure to talk with you, i can help you in french if you need and want 😉 i can speak english, french, german and chinese 🙂 It would be cool to learn italian by the way ! Hope to talk to you soon 🙂

Ten temat był przez jakiś czas nieaktywny i jest teraz tylko do odczytu.