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29 ans,
29 ans, de Pologne
I think that's a good idea to send postcards. I collect postcards, and maybe someone has the same hobby as me. Who agree? 🙂
32 ans,
32 ans, de Taïwan
29 ans,
29 ans, de Pologne
We need to exchange addresses and send a message to our addresses.
30 ans,
30 ans, de Chine
30 ans,
30 ans, de Italie
That wouldn't be a bad idea. But as for me, I'm moving to another town so I must wait for a bit.
37 ans,
37 ans, de France
I only send postcards when I'm on vacation, otherwise I send letters. 😉
34 ans,
34 ans, de Corée du Sud
29 ans,
29 ans, de Macédoine du Nord
I love exchanging post cards. Write to me if you would like to do it~
41 ans,
41 ans, de Pologne
29 ans,
29 ans, de Finlande
I collect stamps and postcards, I would like to join 🙂
29 ans,
29 ans, de Macédoine du Nord
45 ans,
45 ans, de France
Nouveau Membre
I'm ok to send cards!! and to receive some too 😉
30 ans,
30 ans, de France
33 ans,
33 ans, de Allemagne
Great idea! 😃 So when someone of you wants to get a German postcard and wants to send me one, ask me. I also collect postcards. 😛
27 ans,
27 ans, de Italie
Nouveau Membre
That's a very good idea!! I love sending postcards and, of course, getting them!
34 ans,
34 ans, de Chili
yeah, it's a nice idea, very nostalgic 🙂
29 ans,
29 ans, de Macédoine du Nord
And I like to send postcards,and also to get it. 🙂
29 ans,
29 ans, de Hongrie
Great idea! I also collect postcards and stamps 🙂
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