Hello Everyone =]

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Well, I've finally got an account =]
So whats up with everyone?.. I'm home for spring break at the moment ^.^
If anyone would like to email me, go ahead, and we can talk through that, or just through the fourms.
=O I loveee these smileies../emoticon things.. o.O tt1
[img]http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o13/puppylover_photo/DeathNote.jpg[/img] MWAHAHA! Deathnote.. =3

Hey, did you do this draw? Because I love it, and I love Death Note, but my favorite character's Raito 😃, but I like L too 🙂

Hello 😁

Hey,that's a good drawing, if you drew it.

hey. 🙂

Death note it's a good anime 001_cool

well hello. this site seems very weird... ninja produces

Yepp =] I drew it ^.^ And thank you everyone that said they liked it. =]
Deathnote Rawks Sox xD I didn't watch it Saturday though.. D: And I'm to lazzyy to look it up on the computer to watch it XD

Hola! 😁
Nice drawing, btw.

Hello =]
And thanks ^.^

helo ppl im new so wats up?

I'd say the celieng...
How 'bout you people?

X.x Theres nothing to do.. =|

由 -Freya- 编辑.

Hy everybody!🙂


i am on my springbreake right now

only few days left of it

so what has been going on in here ??
how is the weather in everywhere?

😉 clap

Darn, thought I was the only one who said "the ceiling was up". I'm known to annoy my friends like crazy by saying that.
But, yes, the ceiling is up above our heads so naturally it is "up". 🙂

I'm on spring break too Meltz =D
Only a few days remain.. x.x I haven't done ANYTHING but go to the movies and act like an idiot in the mall with my friend.. But that was at the very beginning of the break the first Saturday.. D=

I'm new!
