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29, from China
January 21, 2012 06:48
January 21, 2012 06:48
I‘m always interested in delicious food around the world. I want to cook sth (just like steak,pudding,mu si ect.) by myself. :chef
of course I need some help. 😃 if you are willing to help me ,please send me e-mail(my address : maidou2010_(email hidden) )
sincerely .
32, from Belgium
January 22, 2012 17:38
January 22, 2012 17:38
What about Belgium waffles? If you want me to translate the recipe, send me an e-mail!
41, from United States
March 09, 2012 05:51
March 09, 2012 05:51
For some easy and delicious western recipe visit . It will surely help you.
[url=]swimming caps[/url]
47, from South Korea
March 10, 2012 05:22
March 10, 2012 05:22
Hey there! In general, western food is simplier than Chinese food. I tried to learn how to cook dim sum last week, and my spring rolls are still not that great.
What do you mean by mu si? I think it is some Chinese name.
Would be glad to help with the dishes I know 🙂
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