Christmas Cards 2011 Gallery 무엇이든 다

:santa Here you can post pictures of the Christmas Cards you have received from topic: [url=]Cristmas Cards by lostlover[/url] :santa

Here are mine so far:

From Ester ([url=]Smile_95[/url])
A 3D card 🙂 if you look long enough you can see Santa do a backflip 😛

From Asia ([url=]Proxima[/url])
A lettre of Polish culture and some Polish sweets 😃

Unfortunately my card to Dorottya ([url=]Dori95[/url]) bounced back, i will try to send it again next week.

Happy New Year 2 all :sorcerer

Locutus님이 수정했습니다. .

Jimmy, did you find the duck? 😃

Card from [url=]Dori95[/url]

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