happy new year

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A happy 2012 to you all big_smile

Thanks, same for ya 😉

[u][b]In many languages :[/b][/u]

*Bonne Année!>[b]French[/b]
*Happy new year!
*¡Feliz Año Nuevo!>[b]Spanish[/b]
*Gutes Jahr!>[b]German[/b]
*Buono anno!>[b]Italian[/b]
*Feliz ano novo!>[b]Portuguese[/b]
*С новым годом!>[b]Russian[/b]
*سنة سعيدة! >[b]Arabic[/b]
*Hyvää Uutta Vuotta!>[b]Finnish[/b]

For others languages that I don't know how to say it, you can add. 😉

Bonne année à toi aussi ! Plein de merveilleuses choses dans ta vie ! 🙂

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