What's the best thing about having more than one language in our world?

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Hello everyone! What do you think is the most beautiful part of living in a world where there are so many different languages? I have to do an art project for school, the theme of which is ‘Languages for Peace’, and I would love to hear your opinions. What do you think are the advantages of not only speaking more than one language, but also having more than one in our world? Do you think that the languages we use influence our cultures? And what would be the disadvantages of having only one language?
In my opinion, the most beautiful part of having more than one language in our world is that in some languages there are terms to describe concepts that in other languages would have to be expressed with many words, and I find that fascinating! What about you?

The English poet William Cowper once said: “Variety's the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavour.”

In a somewhat similar fashion it was observed by the Greek tragedian Euripides that "a change is always pleasant".

These quotes may perhaps serve a purpose in your quest to solve the riddle.

For me,each language represents more than "a different way of speaking" but also the history before the birth of it and all the other things that have been built on the bases of it(especially the expression parts like poems). During the process of learning a new language, I get to know a new mindset,keep finding inspirations and joy,and eventually feel connected with a different culture,a different group of people.So,i guess languages are the symbol of human creation and posibility,every time thinking about it, i would be thrilled for so much unknown world to explore. 😃

On the one hand it would be very easy for everyone to communicate if there was only one language everyone would understand. So I don't know about disadvantages of only one language.

I think the most beautiful about having multiple languages, is that it's related to someone's culturele background. Also I like the sound of eg French tongue, so that would be a plus as well. Also the thing you said. Sometimes another language has a word you can't describe in your own language, or with multiple words, but sometimes the meaning is still different.

On the whole, I think different languages are interesting. It's a shame it would be quite impossible to learn all languages, as you would be able to connect with other cultures better if you speak the same language.

Language is the heart and soul of any civilization. An unfortunate step taken by conquerors and others with imperialistic aims is to attack language and culture as a matter of priority. It destroys much more than just a means of communication.

I feel like I find it easier to express myself in some other languages than English