1er avril Życie codzienne

=> I would like to talk about the april 1st . In france on this day we do a lot of joke . Kids make paper's fishes and stick it in the back of people. These jokes are called "poisson d'avril" (april's fishes ??)!!! I don't know really the origin of this tradition but it's a funny day .
Very often people make you believe things wich are wrong and the next day you realise that it was a joke !!

I would like to know if there is a similar day in others country ??

If I'm right in spain it's called "los santos innocentes" and it's the december, 28, isn't it ??

Edytowane przez frenchy-girl .

English please ...

Je sais que au canada et aux Etats-Unis c'est appelé April fool, il y a un canadien dans ma classe cette année et il m'a raconté qu'ils ne font pas comme en france à coller des poissons en papier dans le dos ... eux ils mettent du dentifrice dans des gateaux à la place de la crème dans les oréos...

She wants to compare traditions during the april fool because in france we stuck paper fishes on the back of people but in USA and canada they on't do this but they also do jocks ... i don't know (but i think no) if you understood my english ...

Toothpaste in cakes?? How awful !!
I wouldn't like to be the person who eats the cake with toothpaste blink !!!

In Germany we do jokes of every kind. And if a trick worked the one who played the trick says "April, April!". But this year on the 1st April I didn't played any trick and nobody played a trick on me. It seems like the 1st April isn't really popular in Germany anymore, but it can be that it's only so in my neighborhood.

=> I would like to talk about the april 1st . In france on this day we do a lot of joke . Kids make paper's fishes and stick it in the back of people. These jokes are called "poisson d'avril" (april's fishes ??)!!! I don't know really the origin of this tradition but it's a funny day .
Very often people make you believe things wich are wrong and the next day you realise that it was a joke !!

I would like to know if there is a similar day in others country ??

It's the same in Italy, also called "poisson d'avril" = pesce d'aprile :tongue:

=> I would like to talk about the april 1st . In france on this day we do a lot of joke . Kids make paper's fishes and stick it in the back of people.
In our country precisely also celebrate this holiday. It is called - Day of the fool)))

Edytowane przez Black_Romance .

I'm ask if during the 1st April american people takes really their meal from desserts to dish of entrance? I've read it in a book. I would like to know if it's true. And what's else you do usually during this day ?

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