Did you know that there are a lot words that you can't really translate into another language? In my language for example "gezelligheid" in English there isn't really a word for so it's more like coziness. So do you have a word in your language that's not translatable is?
A few years ago, China released an anime called Nezha: Birth of the Demon Child.急急如律令(Ji ji ru lv ling) is a spellbound use by the characters in this anime.When professional translators try to translate the spellbound into English, they ran into trouble. Because they couldn't find a sentence in English that could express it.If I were part of the translation team for this anime, I would suggest not translating this sentence. Because I think this sentence is like Aladdin and the magic lamp in the main character summon the magic lamp of the spell, it does not have any actual meaning.
There are lot in my language, words don't have direct translation ( single word ) as an example we say " Kanawa " direct translation is " eat " but for the word " waladanawa " no single world in English. " waladanawa " means eating food without sensing any taste . "Budinawa " means eating fast . like wise there are a lot like that.