Easter in your country

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So I know Catholic Easter just flew by but Orthodox one is on its way and I was just wondering: how is Easter celebrated in your country? What traditions or rituals do you have?
For example in Romania we paint and decorate Easter eggs, tradition which pretty much became an art in some parts of the country. What about your culture?

here in italy we usually swap each other an olive branch the sunday before easter (in fact it’s called “domenica delle palme” which literally means sunday of palms) as a sign of peace. during easter we usually spend our time with our family and we usually cook lamb; the day after is popularly called “pasquetta” (little easter): we meet with our friends and we usually go to the mountains or in a natural place and have a great lunch. this last tradition is not linked to our religion, it’s more like a popular tradition or maybe just a reason to party!

i'm from austria and here we actually have a lot of traditions around easter, on the sunday before easter ,,Palmsonntag"( sunday of palms) we make ,,Palmbuschen" ( means palmbushes-> you take branches from some special bushes and create a kinda ball with them, then you stick it on another branch and afterwards it gets blessed in chruch and finally you put it on the fields and in your house to get a good crop).
On Thursday before easter ist's called,, Gründonnerstag"( means literally greenthursday) nearly everyone is eating spinach because it's also green.
The Saturday before easter is called ,,Karsamstag" and there most people do an so called easterfire at the evening. all the friends and familys come together eat eggs and stands around the fire, I love this.
Eastersunday we get little presents and spend our day with family and friends we also have ,,Eastermonday" there it's the same.
puh this was quite much information, sorry for the long message haha

Easter is not a festival in my country. Most people , at least those who live in Nanchang, don’t celebrate it.

The German and the Austrian Easter traditions are quite alike. Here we often eat cake on the two days of Easter. The most traditional cake on Easter is the so called "Osterlamm": a cake which is baked in shape of a lamb. My grandmother told my, that this kind of cake was also baked for her first Communion, because her family could not afford another cake pan back then.

The biggest tradition in the UK is to buy Easter Eggs for your loved ones, especially for the children. Easter Eggs are made of thin chocolate. Very yummy. The shops are usually full of them before Easter. Although the shops ran out of Easter Eggs this year before Easter, which is very unusual. Some people also do an Easter Egg hunt where they hide the Easter Eggs in their garden or house for children to find and collect

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