What do you think of covid-19? Everyday life and customs

Hi, I have created this debate for your mondial position of this damned virus... What do you think about this?

Covid-19 is the worst nightmare ever

It totally ruins social life. People are scared of each other, they are scared of going out... One of them think there is no virus, others are terrified so they start arguing. I hate this situation 🙁
Can't stop thinking about good old times with no mask on face

I agree! I hate this situation, I hate the war for the streets of my nation... I'm totally sad 😔

As the President of the United States once said, it is what it is.

I find it very sad that few people who don't care about the necessery rules have a terrible impact on all. This egocentric behaviour teaches us a lot about society...unfortunately.

It's something that could happen again with a different and potentially more deadly virus. Unfortunately Covid-19 has shown just how selfish, deluded and/or inconsiderate much of the population of the US is. I'm amazed that some people here are arguing to let the virus take it's course so we can achieve herd immunity. It's so easy for them to condemn others to death just to get the lifestyle they want back.

f**k covid-19

Hi there,
I can't breathe much with the masks.But I have to wear the mask at school.I hate covid-19 so much.You don't believe how much.

It is a lesson to the world that a virus can make our species extinct. Governments should take the fields of virology and immunology very seriously. All nations should stockpile emergency PEPs and vigorously study viruses.

through out the history, there have been number of pandemics. Some are worst and some are not. The way I think about a virus is it is always worst. This is one of another pandemic season. There is no extinction of human here. But this is a fight of survival. We will win somehow because of the Natural selection. World is going to be change. The era change is happening now. More and more digitalize world.

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