Opinion on Obesity Alltag von überall

As I'm used to improper debate, what is you opinion on Obesity ?
Are you agree with the current situation ?
Or Should the society act with more firmness to fight against it ? Should health care stop to assure obese in trouble with overweight-problems ? What are you thinking about the concept of "Own Fault" in which you have the responsibility to keep a minimal healthy life-style otherwise you are not anymore assured by society ?
Let's debate one time more !

Well, I see what you mean. If someone does a absolutely take no care of their health condition, it is not fair to the others. But if you take this as a reason that should be considered in the health insurance, people who smoke a lot or drink a lot would be affected too, wouldn't they?

Dieses Thema war eine Weile inaktiv und ist jetzt schreibgeschützt.