What kind of birds do you see everyday ? 일상생활 및 관습

What kind of birds do you see everyday ?

Hey! I live in Vosges and i'm lucky to look at a lot of birds 😃 <3
We can observe black bird, chickadee and sparrow and sometimes more ☺


I live in Honduras and I often look many kind of birds like parrot, hawk.etc

I live in a small town and therefore nearly my whole environment consists of birds😉. There are a lot of small birds like
sparrows or greenfinches living here and you can hear them all time.

I currently live in a forest with three lakes w/o thing a couple of miles of me. Chickadees, finches, blue jays, a whole lot of crows, trumpet swans, Canadian geese, mallard ducks, robins, bald eagles, hawks, and woodpeckers. Sometimes I see some loons on the lake.

I live in a modern city, but I can still hear birds' songs everyday. Sometimes I can see some water birds pass over buildings(but more in wetland parks), and wild geese will pass over the city when winter comes. Oriental magpie-robin, magpie, red-whiskered bulbul, large-billed crow and sparrow are common.

Cardinals and Mockingbirds are the most seen where I am at, oh yeah, Grackles everywhere.

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