Let's say you live in a place where abortion is legal. You're pregnant. Then you go to the hospital and find out your child has a congenital disability. Would you have an abortion?

If I have a prenatal exam and find out my child is disabled, I will choose to have an abortion. First of all, I'm not religious. I don't have to follow some religious dogma. And in my country, abortion is legal. More importantly, I don't want him or her to be laughed at.

It's your life. It is your decision. Don't wait to long.

It's your life. It is your decision. Don't wait to long.
You may have misunderstood me.

The point of him or her being laughed at isn't really relevant in my opinion. It's a way of a life. Let's say he or she would Have the down syndrome. The most of them that you see on television are "okay" but there are cases that they arnt even available to do anything on their own. The amount of time you'll have to "spend" on them to make their lives good, will costs you your job and eventually your own time too.

Of course a child has responsibilities yet if you have a complete healthy kid you can let them go at some age and still be able to live your life, instead of taking care 24/7.

That's my opinion.

If I were in that position, and I don't go to work. I wouldn't have enough money to pay his or her medical treatment fee.In China, treating a deformed child is a big expense. This expenditure is likely to bring down a family. Besides, a deformed child's life will be very painful. The source of her or his distress is often ridicule and medical treatment. So many Chinese mothers choose to abort their children with birth defects.

The point of him or her being laughed at isn't really relevant in my opinion. It's a way of a life. Let's say he or she would Have the down syndrome. The most of them that you see on television are "okay" but there are cases that they arnt even available to do anything on their own. The amount of time you'll have to "spend" on them to make their lives good, will costs you your job and eventually your own time too.

Of course a child has responsibilities yet if you have a complete healthy kid you can let them go at some age and still be able to live your life, instead of taking care 24/7.

That's my opinion.

I am not religious. I believe in science.In China, the chances of a disabled child having a happy life are virtually nil. First of all, the policy for the disabled is not that developed in our country. It is difficult for disabled children to have a happy life. They may not find jobs. It is also difficult for them find a spouse. They will be discriminated against.

i think that its just a baby a cute little baby and yiu will probably regret it if you lose it because of that. maybe ite pretty hard to have a disabled child but it can also be one of the most beautiful things you ever get. i wouldnt kill a baby but thats just me and i am religious

In my opinion, I would not. First of all, many kids with certain disabilities can still live productive lives, and get good jobs or be successful in sports. This can only happen though, if they have a loving family that raises them correctly. Only when kids are mistreated, traumatized, and put up for adoption, do tehir disabilities get the best of them.

But as you said, China is different. So I would find a family who wanted to adopt, and save money for a plane ticket to America, have my baby, and give it to a nice family who wants my kid, disabilities or none. People in America usually do not care. I only believe abortions are appropriate if you are very young, or didn't get pregnant on your own means.

That doesn't seem to work. If I remember correctly, in China only people over the age of 18 can go abroad without a guardian. So, within 18 years he or she must find a place to live. No one here wants to adopt a disabled child. If she or he spent those 18 years in an orphanage, no one would pay for him or her to go to the United States. If a pregnant woman went to the United States to give birth to a disabled child, it would also be a very troublesome matter. Not everyone has the resources.

In my opinion, I would not. First of all, many kids with certain disabilities can still live productive lives, and get good jobs or be successful in sports. This can only happen though, if they have a loving family that raises them correctly. Only when kids are mistreated, traumatized, and put up for adoption, do tehir disabilities get the best of them.

But as you said, China is different. So I would find a family who wanted to adopt, and save money for a plane ticket to America, have my baby, and give it to a nice family who wants my kid, disabilities or none. People in America usually do not care. I only believe abortions are appropriate if you are very young, or didn't get pregnant on your own means.

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