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Lots of love for new zealand
Vita quotidiana e usanze
28, da Paesi Bassi
March 15, 2019 06:14
March 15, 2019 06:14
I never do this and actually despise the facebookhypes around such disasters as today in new zealand but i want to say: i'm really feeling bad about what happened and lots of love for you guys down under.
34, da Spagna
March 15, 2019 07:48
March 15, 2019 07:48
My thoughts and lots of love from Spain. Terrorism is something that needs to END.
37, da Stati Uniti
March 17, 2019 22:05
March 17, 2019 22:05
Very unfortunate for the victims who’ve endured such tragedies.
Questo argomento è inattivo da un po' e ora è di sola lettura.