Average salary 일상생활 및 관습

How much money does an average person in your country earn per month? How much is necessary for food and public utilities (gas, electricity, water etc)?
In Russia, I believe, an average salary is about 350-400 USD, a person needs about 100-130 USD per month to feed themselves, and if one has an ordinary flat of one's own, the public utilities will cost about 50-100 USD per month. What about your country?

In the UK countryside its about 7pounds 50pence an hour, if your 25 and over, to rent its 500 a month on average, then you have gas £33, water £34, electricity £34, phone line £45 and internet £16, then council tax which is very confusing but is about £1250 a year, so a flat/apartment in the UK countryside is about £670 a month, then add £100 a month for food. The government says this is doable apparantly. Its about three times as much in a city though. Most people "share" and you usually get about 4 people in one house sharing everything which isn't very independent. So that's the UK

How much money does an average person in your country earn per month? How much is necessary for food and public utilities (gas, electricity, water etc)?
In Russia, I believe, an average salary is about 350-400 USD, a person needs about 100-130 USD per month to feed themselves, and if one has an ordinary flat of one's own, the public utilities will cost about 50-100 USD per month. What about your country?

In reality average salaries in Russia vary considerably from region to region.
For example people in Moscow and Saint Petersburg earn more than all other cities, while Siberia and its lost villages' inhabitants live in poverty and really struggle to survive and to reach the end of the month (they don't complain like Italians or European citizens, they really struggle, but at the same time they are so generous and kind... (I'm in Moscow at the moment, just back from Siberia)

In reality average salaries in Russia vary considerably from region to region.

That's true. I take an average person in an average city. Neither Moscow nor lost villages.

In Spain, the current minimum wage since last December is 900 Euros per month.

It increased a bit but still we are so far away from the minimum wage of another European countries. We need to improve in this matter or we will have a huge economic problem in a few years.

For 2019 the government had declared 1615€ per month the minimum for fulltime work. Before taxes. But not everybody can get a fulltime contract.

Mandatory healthcare around 100€ a month per person
Gas/electra depends from 80€ for small, efficiënt apartement up to 200€ for a mediun sized family home.
Water between 15-50€ a month.
Housing starts from 500€ but in social housing you can get it cheaper.
Taxes: depends on the city but everything together easy 1200-2500€ a year for a couple or family (Tax for the city, garbage collection, sewer and dykes etcetera)

1 bread costs about 2,50€.
1 kilo bananas 1€ or more.
250gr butter about 1,90€ or more.
10 eggs for between 1,50€ and 3€.
Milk starts around 1€ for a liter and up.
Meat isn't cheap here either.

Social benefit is around 850€ a month. There are softer tax rules for lower incomes.