Why parents should be respected? 일상생활 및 관습

Please tell why parents should be respected as well as religions?

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What do parents have to do with religion? Ethically, Parents should be respected for being the ones who raised you up until you became what you are right now. Biologically, each of them represents half of you.
Religions don't have to be respected or disrespected.... Religions are ideologies, they have good sides and bad ones, but you have definitely the right to criticise their bad sides instead of "respecting" them entirely.

Combo : some religions insist on the fact of respecting parents

Combo : some religions insist on the fact of respecting parents
I don't believe that respecting parents needs a motivator as it should be a part of our common sense.


Cause they gave you life

Why parents should be respected ? Well... because they are supposed to represent a natural authority. Whatever you are aged 10, 20, 30 or 50 years old their authority should never get broken.

Cause they gave you life

Cause they gave you life
+1. But respect your parents only if they respect you!

In my opinion, parents should not automatically be respected.

They should be respected as humans, but not just because of the fact that they are your parents and "gave you life". Because bad parents exist and even more so, bad parenthood or the complete absence of it. Why would you respect someone who does not even raise you? For more information I'd like to refer to this website: www.myhorridparent.com/

I find it bothering that the concept exists that whatever your parents do to you, you should endure and respect that, just because they're you're parents. There are parents that shout frequently, say cruel things or even use violence. It can haunt a child for a long time and I think that's not acceptable.

Background info:
I respect my parents a lot, I also love them a lot, but I have experienced how horrible a parent can be in several close friend's situations. They are still suffering from the effect of bad parenthood, up until their mid twenties. The worst part is that the general opinion exist that parents should be respected, because indeed, in many cases they are good, loving humans. That doesn't exclude the other option mentioned above.

Also I'm not going to talk about the religion topic because I think the OP stated two separate questions, in one sentence. A similar opinion to mine was already mentioned.

They made you.

What do parents have to do with religion? Ethically, Parents should be respected for being the ones who raised you up until you became what you are right now. Biologically, each of them represents half of you.
Religions don't have to be respected or disrespected.... Religions are ideologies, they have good sides and bad ones, but you have definitely the right to criticise their bad sides instead of "respecting" them entirely.

Thanks 4 information

You don't have to respect your parents just because they have given life to you. Respect and love is a two way street. You don't have to love and respect them if they treat you like trash. It's very rare that happens, but respect should be out of mutual love, not fear or obligation.

Parents should be respected just like other people. Parents should respect you just like they respect other people. There are no rules to show respect to certain people. Respect is common sense. I think many people do not know what it means. It would be wise to understand it first.