what cellphone do you use... Arki ja tavat

i use LG optimous vu... does it available in other countries?
ooooh i want penpal gate app 🙁

samsung genoa c3510 XDXD and pink one hah...
But I'm going to buy Samsung galaxy Ace in next week 🙂

I don't have one haha 😆

LG P690

KevinAzrale muokkasi tätä .

Samsung because it's the best! 😁

Sony Xperia U

D87 D87

Motorola Milestone

LG Chocolate (black).

HTC Explorer

LG Optimus L5 II

I'm 15, and I don't have a cellphone. And yes, I'm still alive! 😛

Nokia 🙂

Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini

Sony Ericsson Xperia X8

Blackberry bold 9790

Nokia Lumia 610

Samsung galaxy youth

Tämä aihe on ollut epäaktiivinen jonkin aikaa ja on nyt vain luku -tilassa.