what cellphone do you use... Everyday life and customs

i use LG optimous vu... does it available in other countries?
ooooh i want penpal gate app 🙁

samsung genoa c3510 XDXD and pink one hah...
But I'm going to buy Samsung galaxy Ace in next week 🙂

I don't have one haha 😆

LG P690

Editado por KevinAzrale .

Samsung because it's the best! 😁

Sony Xperia U

D87 D87

Motorola Milestone

LG Chocolate (black).

HTC Explorer

LG Optimus L5 II

I'm 15, and I don't have a cellphone. And yes, I'm still alive! 😛

Nokia 🙂

Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini

Sony Ericsson Xperia X8

Blackberry bold 9790

Nokia Lumia 610

Samsung galaxy youth