Why there aren't nearly not Egyptian, Macedonian, Greek & Japanese ?

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Hi! I don't know if you have already see but on this forum...Recently when a person to join on this site it's most sometimes an French, Korean, Italian or Polonese people. xD!

There are rarely spanish, Finnish,English,Chinese people and again most rarely Egyptian, Greek,Macedonian and Japenese without to forgotten others countries or it's the same case.

In your opinion : Why there aren't or nearly not Egyptian, Macedonian,Greek & Japanese people on this site ?

Edytowane przez Phoebelycia .

Hmmm that's a very good question! I don't know the answer, but if you are seeking for Japanese people, you could always visit a site called japan-guide. com. Signed members can put there ads in order to find new pen pals. I used to use that site and I found a pen pal from Germany 🙂 The only minus is: if you aren't searching for Japanese, it can be quite difficult to find people from other countries because they tend to be looking only for Japanese.

Thank you very much. Yes I search japanese penpal. 🙂

I begin to find it really sad...

Everyday in one only day there are at least...who to join to this site (and for somes countries not everyday) :

For France : 30 persons;
Poland : 5 or 10 persons;
Italy: 4 or 5 persons;
Korea (In good days) : 5 persons;
Ageria: 4 or 5 persons;
Morocco: 4 or 5 persons
China : 4 or 6 persons;
Russia: 2 or 4 persons;
Finland : 2 or 4 persons;
Germany : 3 persons;
Belgium: 3 persons;
USA: 0 or 3 persons;
Spain : 0 or 2 persons;
United Kingdom only England : 0 or 1 persons;
Turkey : 0 or 1 person;
Egypt: 0 or 1 person;
Greece: 0 or 1 person;
Japan: 0 person;
Macedonia/FYROM: 0 person;
Mauritius : 0 person;

Yes I stay so long time everyday for to see it. -_- It's too sad.

Edytowane przez Phoebelycia .

We should also remember that the flag in the profile is not necessarily telling the nationality of the person, just the current country. For example I'm a Finnish but living in England at the moment. It would be great to have two flags so that people who are looking for a Finnish would find me!

I'm, on the other hand, wondering where are all the Palestinians. How can I find people who are living in the West Bank or Gaza Strip?

I was also thinking this same..why here is so little ppl example from Egypt? Im also from Finland but i would like to find ppl from muslim countrys...its seems to bee little bit hard 🙁

For Muslim country, I just found a few members, I want to meet more too 🙁
I have heard that the founder of this site is a French at the chat room before,
so there are lots of members from France 😉

Besides, I think the number of members from a country has also reflected the culture and custom of the country to some extent 😉
For Asian countries, such as China and Japan,
I think the teenagers there need to face a lot of stress from study,
lots of homework, and eventually they don't have much time to meet new penpals 🙁
Besides, for Japan and some Muslim country,
I think the number is affected by their culture too,
as I know most of them tend to be conservative and don't like to contact with foreigners much,
in order to avoid culture conflicts or difficulties in communicating in foreign languages 😉

yeah that's true lol
most of friends meet in here are French🙂
and i think i've never see or chat with Japanese, although we share same time zone😛
i have some Chinese and Taiwan friends though.
*Korean teens are stuck in study too😉

Indeed there are many, many French people here (which is actually a problem for me as I don't really need to improve my French or to discover my own country culture, but no offense dear Frenchies !)!
About Egyptian and Greek people, I guess they're probably such in trouble right now - for different reasons - that they don't have time to look for penpals all over the world...?
Moreover, I don't know about Macedonians, but I believe Japanese, Greeks and Egyptians just don't write with the same letters as French, English or Italian people do... that makes communication even more complicated for them, doesn't it ?
I'm really not sure about all what I'm saying, but I hope it answers (a little) the question...

(and just tell me if I'm stupid in English and correct me, please!)

Yeah i know ppl in Egypt and Greek they have hard time right now...I know lots off ppl from Egypt and they speak and write english so letters shouldnt be a problem. Maybe they just dosent use this kind of forums 🙁. Hope some of them will find they way in here also 🙂

Indeed there are many, many French people here (which is actually a problem for me as I don't really need to improve my French or to discover my own country culture, but no offense dear Frenchies !)
It's a French-made website you know..

Well, there is the same situation with Russian and Ukrainian people.

It's a French-made website you know..
Yep, I've heard about that before, thank you for confirming the information! And I wasn't serious, it isn't such a big problem to meet French people even when you actually live in France. I just hope some day there will be more or less as much French people as Greek or Egyptian people on this website, so that we'll all be able to exchange with plenty of persons from different cultures! That would only make penpal-gate even more interesting!

Well, there is the same situation with Russian and Ukrainian people.
When you write "same situation", you mean that there are few Russian and Ukrainian people, or that they also have to face huge issues in their country ?

It's a French-made website you know..
Yep, I've heard about that before, thank you for confirming the information! And I wasn't serious, it isn't such a big problem to meet French people even when you actually live in France. I just hope some day there will be more or less as much French people as Greek or Egyptian people on this website, so that we'll all be able to exchange with plenty of persons from different cultures! That would only make penpal-gate even more interesting!

Well, there is the same situation with Russian and Ukrainian people.
When you write "same situation", you mean that there are few Russian and Ukrainian people, or that they also have to face huge issues in their country ?
There are enough people from these counties, but they are not really active.

Besides, although a lot of members on this site want to meet British members and improve their English,
I don't find much British members on this site 😉
I think most members are Europeans instead 🙂

I was also thinking this same..why here is so little ppl example from Egypt? Im also from Finland but i would like to find ppl from muslim countrys...its seems to bee little bit hard 🙁
Yes it's the problem justly...! I'm learning arabic egyptian called too "language of Cairo" and on this site I'ven't any penpal from Egypt. 🙁

For Muslim country, I just found a few members, I want to meet more too 🙁
I have heard that the founder of this site is a French at the chat room before,
so there are lots of members from France 😉

Besides, I think the number of members from a country has also reflected the culture and custom of the country to some extent 😉
For Asian countries, such as China and Japan,
I think the teenagers there need to face a lot of stress from study,
lots of homework, and eventually they don't have much time to meet new penpals 🙁
Besides, for Japan and some Muslim country,
I think the number is affected by their culture too,
as I know most of them tend to be conservative and don't like to contact with foreigners much,
in order to avoid culture conflicts or difficulties in communicating in foreign languages 😉

Not for everybody... 🙁 When someone want to know a new language and really to talk this language he know that's better to have a penpal. So much school do exchange or journeys of somes days in others countries...I don't know if it's only because it's the crisis...! -_-

Indeed there are many, many French people here (which is actually a problem for me as I don't really need to improve my French or to discover my own country culture, but no offense dear Frenchies !)!
About Egyptian and Greek people, I guess they're probably such in trouble right now - for different reasons - that they don't have time to look for penpals all over the world...?
Moreover, I don't know about Macedonians, but I believe Japanese, Greeks and Egyptians just don't write with the same letters as French, English or Italian people do... that makes communication even more complicated for them, doesn't it ?
I'm really not sure about all what I'm saying, but I hope it answers (a little) the question...

(and just tell me if I'm stupid in English and correct me, please!)

Me too! 🙂 It's the problem. I don't need to speak french which is my own language and to discover my country me either,that I've passed my childhood to discover! 😃

Yeah i know ppl in Egypt and Greek they have hard time right now...I know lots off ppl from Egypt and they speak and write english so letters shouldnt be a problem. Maybe they just dosent use this kind of forums 🙁. Hope some of them will find they way in here also 🙂
I'm agree with you! 😁 I hope too. 🙂
Besides, although a lot of members on this site want to meet British members and improve their English,
I don't find much British members on this site 😉
I think most members are Europeans instead 🙂
When they love us and gives us a little of their time, of course. 😉

I find it sad that they're so much frenchies more than foreigner... :mellow Can matters Europeans or not penpals haven't so much time even in Holidays! Then we're as us. :mellow

Well if there is still someone who would love to talk to a Macedonian person - here I am ~ c:

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