Hallo deutsche Freunde, erinnerst du dich an dieses Ereignis ? Deutsch

Ich denke, es war eines dieser hart umkämpften Spiele des letzten Jahrzehnts

Certo, mi ricordo - anche se il risultato ancora non mi va bene. 😉
In ogni caso il campionato mondiale 2006 era un torneo fantastico. L'atmosfera in tutto il paese era cosi goiosa e rilassata. Qui lo chiama "Das Sommermärchen" (la fabia dell'estate).

Отредактировано пользователем don_jorge .

Yes it was truly a beautiful World Cup, it was also well organized. But take my curiosity away from you Germans in the football final who did you support? France or Italy ?

Well, everybody expected us to organize it well - but many people I met were really surprised about the atmosphere. Obviously the didn't expect us to be also hospitable, openminded and fond of celebration. Quite ungerman... 😉

In the final I supported Italy for two reasons: On the one hand I have more personal relations to Italy. On the other...seen pragmatically...it's always better when you can say: We may have lost the semi-final, but at least we lost it against the champion. 8-)

I like your honesty 😉

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