Ich brauche Hilfe! Deutsch

Hi guys I’m Giulia, I’m 16 and I come from Italy. I’ve been studying German for 2 years and I seriously need a help. Please German friends help me with your lenguage!

Hey Giulia,
Im 23 year old from Germany
If you need Help, i can do it 😛

Hi guys I'm Vittoria, I'm from Italy and I study languages at the University. I'm writing a paper in German for my final exam before the graduation and I really need somebody to correct it, possibly a German native speaker. Please help!

Im quite late - but if you still wanna learn - just write me 😃

Giuliaroman0, I can help you with German if you like...🤗

I could help you, just send me a message - I myself speak a little Italian and could use some help

Αυτό το θέμα είναι ανενεργό για λίγο και τώρα είναι μόνο για ανάγνωση.