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últimos mensajes
39 años,
39 años, de Argelia
August 07, 2009 18:31
August 07, 2009 18:31
hello! teach me deutsch , i can help you learning french , italian , arabic .
viva bandesliga , german ....
30 años,
30 años, de Alemania
August 07, 2009 19:37
August 07, 2009 19:37
it's very hard to teach you some germanf if you can't already the basic vocabulary/grammer
but if you can the basic vocabulary/grammer i would glat to help you to improve it, but i can't teach you!
39 años,
39 años, de Argelia
August 09, 2009 08:31
August 09, 2009 08:31
Danke nemidis , i want study deutsch in germania , but do not know that what we need . i can pay all my school .
35 años,
35 años, de Alemania
Miembro Nuevo
August 09, 2009 08:33
August 09, 2009 08:33
Hey bestfriend, I'd be glad to help you learning german. I'm in my second semester in German studies at the Friedrich-Schiller-University in Jena. Do you know some German already?
39 años,
39 años, de Argelia
August 09, 2009 18:59
August 09, 2009 18:59
Ich bin Anfänger, aber ich bin offen, kann ich alle apprndre weiter.
Ich möchte wissen, ob es die Schule gibt, die die Ausländer, die Deutsch lernen wollen
mit Google Übersetzung.
30 años,
30 años, de Alemania
August 10, 2009 08:21
August 10, 2009 08:21
yes of course, ok i don't know if there are schools, however i know here are german-learn groups i think that's what you want, isn't it?
look i checked out the internet for you, i hope that site can help you (for example)
39 años,
39 años, de Argelia
August 15, 2009 09:35
August 15, 2009 09:35
thank you ! numidis , but its very very expensive ,
i can pay fee of course but i can't pay accommodation .
100 euro = 12000 dinars our money .
600 euro= 72000 dinars
very very expensive
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