To Learn Deutsch Deutsch

mez mez

HALLO guys! 😃
I'm an Italian girl and I'd like to learn a new language.. I love how deutsch sounds! And maybe... is there anyone that can help me? Is deutsch more difficoult than the english? Thank you guys! :blush

Hi you! 🙂
So, I'm not deutsch, but I speak rather very german. I'm in Germanyfor six months.
Well, if you want, we can speak together in deutsch.

Soon soon!

Mez, when you say deutsch, are you speaking about german? Or about deutsch (in english, deutsch ist the language of holland I think..)
I could also help you in german =)

i would also like to learn deutsch! i can teach english if anyone is interested!


i'm simon and yes i'm from germany, i would glad to help you with german, ok i can't explain all the grammer but i can help you to learn some new vocabulary and improve your grammer

hm english and german have some differents grammer parts, and some words sounds same, can you speak latin? if you can speak latin it's going to be easy to learn german

hm i think the language in holland is in english dutch and not deutsch. buti don't know 😃

Nemedis님이 수정했습니다. .


I think you are right Nemedis, That is dutch, not deutsch

French-touch님이 수정했습니다. .

yey! i'm good! however lot's of dutch words sound like german words(and often they have the same meaning) so theoretically is dutch just a dialect of german(or the second possible solution german is just a dialect of dutch)

Hi guys!

I would like to learn better german - I have 3 studying in school but.. I'm no t very well, and I want to learn more. 🙂 Would someone help me to learn a little bit more german? 🙂

Auf Wiedersehen,


im learning german, have been for three years. I not german nor have i ever been to germany, but im sure i can help with something. i can speak fairly well and can explain sentence structure, case, gender of words, and i might be able to tranlate(if its more convenient than the translator).so if you want post a comment on my page and tell me when you are usually on so we can get on chat and i can help you learn. i'm more than willing. 🙂

I' m Natalia, 40. I would like to learn better german. Could anyone help me in german?
Vielen Dank!

Mez, when you say deutsch, are you speaking about german? Or about deutsch (in english, deutsch ist the language of holland I think..)
I could also help you in german =)
German in holland is Duits.
German in Germany is Deutsch :stuart

yey! i'm good! however lot's of dutch words sound like german words(and often they have the same meaning) so theoretically is dutch just a dialect of german(or the second possible solution german is just a dialect of dutch)
that is right 😁 :tongue:

I study german in school - that's great language! Someone said yo me that it's hard - but it is not! We have disgusting teacher, but this language is worth studying!
Good luck to you!

If you want to learn Deutch wy do you talk English?

it would be great to learn german and dutch..Help always welcome thumbup2 .

Hi, I just recently registered on this website and I am seeking help from someone who speaks German well😁I might help with english in return. I really like German as a language and would love to practise because my German is really poor :blushing . So feel free to write to me, i will certainly reply😁 🙂 I'm interested in music (all types), fashion(modelling), reading, drawing, medicine, movies and more. 😁 :walkman

Hi... I'd like to improve my germen conversation... I speak good frensh and english... So wer Lust mit mir auf Deutsch oder Englisch und Französisch hat, bitte sie sind welkommen...

Hallo ! Ich bin Polin und lerne Deutsch. Meine Deutschkenntnisse ist noch za schwach, deshalb suche ich die Leute, die gut Deutsch kennen. Mir ist ganz egal, wie alt bist du und andere biggrin Ich antworte sicher auf jede Nachricht. Wir können über alles schreiben per E-mail oder per Post. Ich habe auch Skype, aber ich kann noch nicht auf Deutsch sprechen. Wenn du Polnisch lernst, kann ich auch dir helfen biggrin

Danke für eure Nachrichten ! ;D
ps. Ich kenne nicht Englisch, deshalb schreib mir nicht auf Englisch biggrin

Meine Emailadresse ist: (email hidden) ; oder: (email hidden) .

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