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Exchange pen-pal 15th July (Paris / Anywhere in Germany)
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32, z Francja
Sporadyczny użytkownik
June 16, 2013 23:01
June 16, 2013 23:01
Ich bin Französisch, ich lerne Deutsch.
But I'm not really good, I think I can improve my German by going in the country. But I don't know anyone over there.
If you want to host me and be my guest near Paris as an exchange that would save money for both of us. (and practice language)
26, z Holandia
Nowy użytkownik
June 19, 2013 18:15
June 19, 2013 18:15
I thought I could help, but I live in the Netherlands, so sorry!
I hope you find someone though
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Ten temat był przez jakiś czas nieaktywny i jest teraz tylko do odczytu.