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Can someone help me with German ?
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27 años,
27 años, de Países Bajos
January 09, 2013 17:06
January 09, 2013 17:06
This year i've to do my exam in German... but i can't speak it very well 🙁
Because or teacher is sick for a half year.. we have'nt good lessons..
So now I'm looking for someone who can help me with German 🙂
I hope people will help me.. give a reaction 😁
Sharon 😃
24 años,
24 años, de Alemania
February 27, 2013 15:09
February 27, 2013 15:09
Of course I can help you! Just tell me, when you need my help!
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Este tema ha estado inactivo por un tiempo y ahora es de solo lectura.