Trump is under attack! Política y gobiernos

lVu lVu

Trump is under attack! July 14th in history. Reprinted from the ancient Chinese language

lVu lVu
Trump is under attack! July 14th in history. Reprinted from the ancient Chinese language
Trump is under attack! July 14th in history. Reprinted from the ancient Chinese language
There are millions of people in the world who are under attack due to hunger and wars. I'm worried about them, not Trump
lVu lVu
There are millions of people in the world who are under attack due to hunger and wars. I'm worried about them, not Trump
You are very interesting, you are very cute, worthy of praise, reward you a little red flower🌏🌍🌎✅

You are very interesting, you are very cute, worthy of praise, reward you a little red flower🌏🌍🌎✅

Though Im not a fan of him: He had much luck, that he turned his head to the right Just in that moment.

lVu lVu
Though Im not a fan of him: He had much luck, that he turned his head to the right Just in that moment.
Many netizens in China like him very much. During his previous administration, he waged no war against the world. In his mind, war can be civilized confrontation, not bloodshed to call it war, and his temperament is very consistent with the Chinese label of officials and leaders

Trump is naive. The way he thought he could make "a deal" with Kim Jong Un was absolute rrresponsible. To believe that you can run a state like a company simply shows a lack of understanding of how politics works.

And his only selfish motivation is only the headline for the History: "Trump end war with Ukraine in one hour" - and with which consequences is completely irrelevant for him.

And his only selfish motivation is only the headline for the History: "Trump end war with Ukraine in one hour" - and with which consequences is completely irrelevant for him.
In One hour? No

He brags about it and says he would simply give Ukraine away

Tra il dire e il fare... c'è di mezzo il mare. Between saying and doing... there is a sea involved

In Chinese internet, many people like Trump. Maybe this American old man really have some kind of personality charm.

Mi chiedo alle volte perché gli italiani debbano sempre fare queste figure barbine con il resto del mondo. Pennarossa, salvo il tuo diritto ad esprimere le tue idee, non sarebbe meglio argomentare invece di fare sparate da sinistra arcobalenata?
I believe Donald Trump will stop this possible war, he is the man he could give a hand to the world in conflict. If he surived that bullet I think there is a great reason upon us. Biden is a sick old man and the Democrats are at their political end for this period.

Mi chiedo alle volte perché gli italiani debbano sempre fare queste figure barbine con il resto del mondo. Pennarossa, salvo il tuo diritto ad esprimere le tue idee, non sarebbe meglio argomentare invece di fare sparate da sinistra arcobalenata?
I believe Donald Trump will stop this possible war, he is the man he could give a hand to the world in conflict. If he surived that bullet I think there is a great reason upon us. Biden is a sick old man and the Democrats are at their political end for this period.
Innanzitutto buon giorno. Io non faccio parte della sinistra arcobalenata. Trump è vivo e sta bene. Mi dispiace per lui e mi dispiace per Biden che non sta bene. Con tutto il rispetto per loro, mi preoccupo molto di più per le migliaia di bambini che muoiono da anni in Africa Orientale per fame, carestia e guerra. I potenti di questa terra se ne fregano di quei bambini, anche Trump e Biden. Non ho fatto figure barbine, ho espresso il mio parere. Tanti saluti.

Mi chiedo alle volte perché gli italiani debbano sempre fare queste figure barbine con il resto del mondo. Pennarossa, salvo il tuo diritto ad esprimere le tue idee, non sarebbe meglio argomentare invece di fare sparate da sinistra arcobalenata?
I believe Donald Trump will stop this possible war, he is the man he could give a hand to the world in conflict. If he surived that bullet I think there is a great reason upon us. Biden is a sick old man and the Democrats are at their political end for this period.
Is Trump the man of Providence? How will he end the war in Ukraine? How will it deal with China, Iran or the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians? I hope it will also deal with all the bloody and forgotten wars for which we don't even shed half a tear. Good bye

Americans will choose between old papa Biden, that forget what to say and if he speaks with Putin or Zelensky, or the also old papa Trump, but with more vigor, who is yelling encouraging things even when someone is shooting to him.

Sadly, there is no rival for Trump. I wish there would be.

When Biden is a sick old man what is Trump then? A mafia boss?

He setup his own following judges and how we see now successfully. So say Hello to Orban and Erdogan.

Und zum anderen: Keiner sollte mit einem Mann verhandeln, der ein Kinderkrankenhaus bombardieren lässt nur um der NATO ein Zeichen der Stärke zeigen zu wollen

Editado por TierM38 .