What is the main problem in the world? Política y gobiernos


Good Question!

To me, the main problems with the world are:

- The prevalence of addiction is undeniably a significant problem in the world today. From opioids to other illicit substances and even behaviors like gambling and excessive screen time, these issues not only harm individuals and families but also strain healthcare systems and communities. Addressing addiction requires a holistic approach, combining prevention, treatment, and support services to help individuals break free from the cycle of dependency and lead healthier lives. This includes addressing less-discussed forms of addiction, which can have far-reaching consequences on personal well-being and relationships.

- Social media, Yes, it can be used for good, but the negatives outweigh the positives. Platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, X, (you know the one), and YouTube have become pervasive in our lives, sometimes to our detriment.Most of the time it leads to damaging comparisons, and the addictive scrolling feeds into a cycle of distraction and dissatisfaction.

- Internet addiction, People are glued to their screens, unable to detach even for a moment. The internet offers endless opportunities for both good and bad, but its addictive nature can lead individuals down dark paths. From cyberbullying to online scams, the harms of unchecked internet use can ripple through both virtual and real-world communities

I mean, have you seen peoples daily average screen time? 10-12 hrs is the average! 🤯

Wrong people in wrong places

Wrong people in wrong places
wym exactly? 😅

There are a lot of problems, and it's hard to say which is the main one since everyone's got their own top concern...Some worry about social media's impact more or health, while others are more concerned about global warming and pollution or wars, different social issues and so on...


1. No doubt ... EGOISM!

2. Arrogance in Combination with Stupidity

arrogance, stupidity and egoism cause all the other problems: wars, hunger, pollution, climate change

So called human beings


religion is not a problem. The problem is fanaticism or fundamentalism

Dunning-Kruger syndrome. Ignorence and courage increase hand to hand.

How on earth can religon even be a problem?
Religon keeps peoples values and morals held high.
without religon, people would behave terribly, without any morals and advice

Arabian_Princess, Parsaa and Roseeeee are the main problem in Penpal-Gate

Arabian_Princess, Parsaa and Roseeeee are the main problem in Penpal-Gate

Arabian_Princess, Parsaa and Roseeeee are the main problem in Penpal-Gate
many penpal gate users don't know these people

Arabian_Princess, Parsaa and Roseeeee are the main problem in Penpal-Gate


Arabian_Princess, Parsaa and Roseeeee are the main problem in Penpal-Gate


Why are they a problem?

Arabian_Princess, Parsaa and Roseeeee are the main problem in Penpal-Gate


Why are they a problem?
No idea.

Arabian_Princess, Parsaa and Roseeeee are the main problem in Penpal-Gate


Why are they a problem?

They are teenage troublemakers