Can a government without capitalism exist ? Politik und Regierungen

Capitalism is a major problem in many countries.However if it is vanished ,do you think it will benifit all?

Hello, I think if we get rid of something we have to replace it by something else. So we have to think about it first.
Leaders and riches try to persuade us that nothing else will work but capitalism. But I know for sure that we are capable of inventing some other organization that wil benefit all of us and not just the few richest. It is a matter of wanting it. Hey ! We are the Humans ! WE invented, WE created the world we are living in. So, if it does not work properly, we are capable of changing it. We have to think out of the box. Try new ideas, like the Greeks in their times, the communists, and others I may not know. Take from them their best ideas and find new ones. But we have to do this brainstoming all together. Too many people tend to give up too easily, because, nowadays, life is hard, and we are more and more in a "survival mode" and solidarity comes after unfortunately. But I am sure that other ways are possible to make life more equitable, fair, respectuous of every culture, and human being.

Mix of capitalism and socialism is best way in my opinion.

After all everything comes to morality of government, and regulating distribution and market.

I don't agree with "Let's make everything private and let the free market and rivalry do the job" because we know that it leads to abusing and monopol. So we have private corporations that are bigger and more influential than some countries.

But Im also not into: "Lets grab money from the rich people and split it between poor!".
If someone made fortune thanks to his hard work or even pure coincidence, it's nothing wrong.

We shouldnt be giving money to people for nothing, except someone have a truly hard situation, like healthy problems, etc.

Of course we don't have many good people on the top levels of management, so corporations just buy politics (like EU for example) and we have what we have.

It's not even problem of socialism/capitalism itself, because people always seek to get what they want. What we can do is to minimalize it and make bigger transparency of system.

Much better said, yes, I agree.

According to Yanis Varoufakis Capitalism is dying and this is an era of Technofeudalism.


In real, we are living in a recent mutation of capitalism or a spoiled offspring of neo-liberalism: Debtism and the most durable chain on the Earth, is nothing but a loan. Especially in the case of "Alice in the Marketland."


Viva la Anarchy