What do you think?

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Hello guys,
just wanted to get your opinion about this little text:

How about a politician, who doesn't just use the peoples euphoria
but uses honest words like "I wont be able to change all bad things.
I will make mistakes... But I can honestly say: I will use my whole power and my whole heart to serve this country!"

How about East and West letting go of the Cold War finally
and stop behaving like little children?

And how about a society that isn't mad with the "lazy, incompetent politicans" only A society that doesn't only shift the responsibily...and starts to get involved PEACEFULLY!

Unfortunately I guess we are all human. So this dreams won't come true.
Won't they?

Seems like a dream. It says "a politician, who (...) uses honest words like (...)" And i think the main problem is honesty. Most politicians say things like that but honesty is just one of the many things a powerful person wants to archive. There are so many bad people that rule the world and even if someone with the kindest heart wanted to change that, they simply couldn't because power and money are often stronger than just a nice soul. But of course you're right, most of them aren't even properly trying

I'd simply call it "a dream within a dream." Actually there are such politicians but they never get elected or anything. Because society favors the ones who tells the things they need to hear. Therefore honesty is not the grease for politics. We create those monsters and feeding them with our votes.

You guys are right. It sounds like a dream...but: Is it really one? I mean: history prooved that things can change. Even if it takes a long time.
To be honest thats what disturbs me about "our time": We have SMARTphones, "I-phones", "SOCIAL media"...
All those things can help us to have much more information about whats going on, what should be done.
But at the end of the day...we all just stare at our phones; not really making a PEACEFUL, EFFECTIVE change. Because we think: "Well I see this in my mobile everyday. I wont be able to change it."
It might sound crazy...but I am convinved we could move things in a peaceful way if we'd get our a**es up,
especially concerning politics.

Lazy, incompetent politicans😂 the best description of Germany‘s political situation today! Thank you! You made my day!👍

You're right, AnnKay, this is exactly why we need people like you. And youth in general. They still (!) believe. Us, prior generations, are disillusioned and we think we already know how things are going to go.

And we try to undermine your ambitions and instill in you the same negativity and doubt that has overcome us, but you should be defiant.

Yes, it is true, politicians who sincerely want to change things are thwarted by - often also an older negative political elite who would prefer things to not change as they themselves are comfortable the way things are.

And yes it is true, it may not immediate work. People suffer and unfortunately also die because they stand up for change. Like the Berber revolution in the 70-ies in Morocco were we, indigenous Berbers, said to the monarchy... well basically f you, in a nutshell. We did that again in 2016 after a Berber fisherman's death. Both had an aftermath that didn't go well, but it will never stop, I guess. Where there is injustice there will always be a revolution (in the making).

We must not forget that, like AnnKay refers, some significant historical changes were able to take place in established corrupt structures were younger people defiantly said: No, we want change.

And it is your very right. The world is yours. The stage is for youth now. You have my vote 😉

@piwipete: Well not exactly what I said 😅😅🙈 I talked about "not only being mad ("meckern") about them...but acting by yourself PEACEFULLY.
What I think is...its easy to say "Others make it wrong." But...if you cant do better or dont wanna do it better you shouldnt be too harsh with being mad. Just my opinion and does NOT mean I support corruption or stuff

@Calanthe thanks for sharing those interesting stories. Well let me explain: I am not thinking of a revolution like in the 70s...
But of a revolution in (young) peoples minds.
From "Well this wont change either" to "I just need to get my a** up and be commited PEACEFULLY...to change things."
So many things just depend on if we just stand still or if we decide to take a step.

🙂 Who cares what anyone else is thinking, you got a goal, go for it, girl.

@piwipete: Well not exactly what I said 😅😅🙈 I talked about "not only being mad ("meckern") about them...but acting by yourself PEACEFULLY.
What I think is...its easy to say "Others make it wrong." But...if you cant do better or dont wanna do it better you shouldnt be too harsh with being mad. Just my opinion and does NOT mean I support corruption or stuff
Kein Problem, mein Schulenglisch ist ein bisschen eingerostet. Hab einen schönen Sonntag!

this is a tough discussion!

Hello guys,
just wanted to get your opinion about this little text:

How about a politician, who doesn't just use the peoples euphoria
but uses honest words like "I wont be able to change all bad things.
I will make mistakes... But I can honestly say: I will use my whole power and my whole heart to serve this country!"

How about East and West letting go of the Cold War finally
and stop behaving like little children?

And how about a society that isn't mad with the "lazy, incompetent politicans" only A society that doesn't only shift the responsibily...and starts to get involved PEACEFULLY!

Unfortunately I guess we are all human. So this dreams won't come true.
Won't they?

I don't know about west but 3rd world countries politicians life is very complex. Politicians may have good intentions but they can't perform the way they want due to,
a) Our countries are not independent so politicians are highly influenced by rich /powerful countries.
b) All most all politicians work for another country ( rich /powerful ) agenda.
c) People are highly misled by media. Lot of good projects have abandoned by mislead people pressure.
d) Secret services of rich /powerful countries very active in politics.

Therefore honesty is the most difficult challenge for politician in our part.

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