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19 años,
19 años, de Francia
December 21, 2020 14:46
45 años,
45 años, de Turquía
December 21, 2020 17:23
December 21, 2020 17:23
They were the first to detect the new mutation.
43 años,
43 años, de Australia
March 21, 2021 02:10
March 21, 2021 02:10
There will be more immune, deadly variants over time. I saw a vaccine expert say the way the world is handling the vaccines is incorrect.
23 años,
23 años, de Pakistán
March 21, 2021 06:32
March 21, 2021 06:32
Every new mutation is rising concerns for Governments...Because we are already In search of better vaccine...the real question is are vaccines able to fight mutations?
43 años,
43 años, de Australia
March 21, 2021 08:28
March 21, 2021 08:28
Of course not. COVID-19 is only going to get stronger and more powerful and deadly.
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Este tema ha estado inactivo por un tiempo y ahora es de solo lectura.