Ask me about American politics

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I am curious to see what questions/general thoughts people have on American politics so ask away

I also wanna know what foreigners think. It's always interesting to hear their thoughts...

why tf would you vote for trump?

As an Iranian I fully support President Trump, and if I was an American I would've voted for him.
He has created the greatest economy in the US, lowest unemployment rates in history of the country.
Brought back factories that were relocated to China and other countries to the US and created more jobs by putting Americans first.
He built the wall to prevent criminals and illegal immigrants to the country. (This wall exists in Europe as well... it's just not a physical one).
Made the United States less dependent on other countries and the middle east by making America the largest producer of gas and oil in the world.
Destroyed ISIS and stopped giving free rides to European countries who refused to pay for their share of NATO.
Got out of the horrible Iran deal that gave the terrorist Iranian government billions of dollars to do all sorts of destructive acts in the middle east.
Killed the second most powerful man in the Iranian regime who was the Islamic Republic's main general in its terrorist activities in the middle east.

For these and many other reasons, I support the United States, the Republicans, and God Bless America! ❤️🤍💙

As an Iranian I fully support President Trump, and if I was an American I would've voted for him.
He has created the greatest economy in the US, lowest unemployment rates in history of the country.
Brought back factories that were relocated to China and other countries to the US and created more jobs by putting Americans first.
He built the wall to prevent criminals and illegal immigrants to the country. (This wall exists in Europe as well... it's just not a physical one).
Made the United States less dependent on other countries and the middle east by making America the largest producer of gas and oil in the world.
Destroyed ISIS and stopped giving free rides to European countries who refused to pay for their share of NATO.
Got out of the horrible Iran deal that gave the terrorist Iranian government billions of dollars to do all sorts of destructive acts in the middle east.
Killed the second most powerful man in the Iranian regime who was the Islamic Republic's main general in its terrorist activities in the middle east.

For these and many other reasons, I support the United States, the Republicans, and God Bless America! ❤️🤍💙

Most of the Americans I have talked to kind of despise Trump so this was interesting to hear, thank you.

As an Iranian I fully support President Trump, and if I was an American I would've voted for him.
He has created the greatest economy in the US, lowest unemployment rates in history of the country.
Brought back factories that were relocated to China and other countries to the US and created more jobs by putting Americans first.
He built the wall to prevent criminals and illegal immigrants to the country. (This wall exists in Europe as well... it's just not a physical one).
Made the United States less dependent on other countries and the middle east by making America the largest producer of gas and oil in the world.
Destroyed ISIS and stopped giving free rides to European countries who refused to pay for their share of NATO.
Got out of the horrible Iran deal that gave the terrorist Iranian government billions of dollars to do all sorts of destructive acts in the middle east.
Killed the second most powerful man in the Iranian regime who was the Islamic Republic's main general in its terrorist activities in the middle east.

For these and many other reasons, I support the United States, the Republicans, and God Bless America! ❤️🤍💙

Most of the Americans I have talked to kind of despise Trump so this was interesting to hear, thank you.

Yes, I'm fully aware of that. Of course everyone have their own reasons to like or dislike Trump which makes sense to them.
What I'm against is blind hatred. Hatred without a basic knowledge of political education. In a civilized world, people should talk, debate, agree or disagree with one another. So, my views might be biased, because I'm a Conservative and my political views are close to Republicans. But I respect everyone's views, regardless of whether I agree with them or not. 😊 But all my American friends voted for President Trump. 😅

why tf would you vote for trump?

I wouldn't but there are reasonable reasons for voting for our current president.

1. You are anti-abortion
2. You think that there are too many regulations protecting the environment and want them removed
3. You believe there is too much immigration and you want it reduced or stopped
4. You prefer his style of belittling people as opposed to opposing ideas

maybe that's a very specific question but I recently followed the City Council of Clearwater, Florida, especially since Mark Bunker was elected member. The Clearwater community's struggle with the Church of Scientology is quite something and if I'd imagine something like this happening anywhere in my country, it would be evening news on every major tv channel.

so how do Americans feel about it? is it even a thing you would follow?

As an Iranian I fully support President Trump, and if I was an American I would've voted for him.
He has created the greatest economy in the US, lowest unemployment rates in history of the country.
Brought back factories that were relocated to China and other countries to the US and created more jobs by putting Americans first.
He built the wall to prevent criminals and illegal immigrants to the country. (This wall exists in Europe as well... it's just not a physical one).
Made the United States less dependent on other countries and the middle east by making America the largest producer of gas and oil in the world.
Destroyed ISIS and stopped giving free rides to European countries who refused to pay for their share of NATO.
Got out of the horrible Iran deal that gave the terrorist Iranian government billions of dollars to do all sorts of destructive acts in the middle east.
Killed the second most powerful man in the Iranian regime who was the Islamic Republic's main general in its terrorist activities in the middle east.

For these and many other reasons, I support the United States, the Republicans, and God Bless America! ❤️🤍💙

According to this article the strength of the economy under our current president is more due to the trajectory of the economy under Obama than anything he specifically did. The graphs seem to indicate he didn't do anything to stop the strength it did have. However his weak handling of the Corona virus response because he didn't want to alienate his base with proven methods to slow the virus have put our country into the worst economic situation we've had in decades.

According to this article there haven't been a lot of manufacturing jobs returned to the US and his "trade wars" have hurt manufacturing jobs in the US.

According to this article most of the work on the wall has been replacing or strengthening existing barriers as opposed to creating new barriers.

The US became the main producer of natural gas in the world in 2011 under Obama, so our current president had nothing to do with that. We became the number one producer of oil in 2018 so you are correct about that portion of what's been done under his administration.

maybe that's a very specific question but I recently followed the City Council of Clearwater, Florida, especially since Mark Bunker was elected member. The Clearwater community's struggle with the Church of Scientology is quite something and if I'd imagine something like this happening anywhere in my country, it would be evening news on every major tv channel.

so how do Americans feel about it? is it even a thing you would follow?

I hadn't heard about it before, but my overall reaction is meh. It is a little bit interesting but we've had situations like this before where religious groups or groups following a particular spiritual leader have moved to areas and then increased their influence through the purchase of other things in the area and/or voting.

As long as the Scientologists in this case are following the laws of the city, county and state then there really isn't much that can be done. It sounds like Mark Bunker should go back to court to see if the 20 year old court injunction that keeps him at least 10 feet away from Scientologists can be modified for his elected governmental post. Since I didn't read anything about that being attempted I'm skeptical of whether or not he's in any position to make such a request.

My question would be, how do you feel about the winner-take-all manner in which most states allocate their electoral votes? Isn't it unfair? Do millions of Republican votes in California and millions of Democratic votes in Texas for president mean nothing? Should it really be worth the same for a presidential candidate to carry a state by a minuscule margin or with a landslide victory? This creates the, in my opinion unfair, reality of swing states.

My question would be, how do you feel about the winner-take-all manner in which most states allocate their electoral votes? Isn't it unfair? Do millions of Republican votes in California and millions of Democratic votes in Texas for president mean nothing? Should it really be worth the same for a presidential candidate to carry a state by a minuscule margin or with a landslide victory? This creates the, in my opinion unfair, reality of swing states.
Honestly when I first learned about this I thought it made absolutely no sense and in my opinion it is pretty messed up.

My question would be, how do you feel about the winner-take-all manner in which most states allocate their electoral votes? Isn't it unfair? Do millions of Republican votes in California and millions of Democratic votes in Texas for president mean nothing? Should it really be worth the same for a presidential candidate to carry a state by a minuscule margin or with a landslide victory? This creates the, in my opinion unfair, reality of swing states.

I'm all for scrapping the electoral college and going to popular vote which would make this question moot.

If the electoral college is still in place I'm more concerned that a voter in Wyoming has more impact on picking the president than a voter in California or Texas. I think that needs to be addressed before taking care of the voters disenfranchised because their state leans one way or another.

cada país tiene su pro y su contra

I'm all for scrapping the electoral college and going to popular vote which would make this question moot.

If the electoral college is still in place I'm more concerned that a voter in Wyoming has more impact on picking the president than a voter in California or Texas. I think that needs to be addressed before taking care of the voters disenfranchised because their state leans one way or another.

Thanks for the answer and yes there's also that but I've seen proponents of the electoral college defend that by claiming it's just to protect small states and how that's supposedly a good thing and all, but I have yet to see someone defend the winner-all-take thing I was talking about so I was interested in hearing about it. The idea of swing states just sounds weird to me, but fair enough I'm not an American nor am I knowledgeable enough on the electoral college to judge it, but I sure like hearing American people's opinions about it. I've actually done a quick little experiment once to see what would happen if my country had the American electoral college, and I found out that our elections would mostly be determined by 2 provinces, out of 81. Because the most powerful states/provinces under electoral college are those that are big or competitive/swing states. And our two largest provinces also happen to be swing provinces and that would give them tons of power.

Why there's no high-speed train in the US? Why the government doesn't develop this important infrastructure?

Why there's no high-speed train in the US? Why the government doesn't develop this important infrastructure?
We kind of tried to. When the project started it was very underfunded and the government was distracted with other things so it was already not going well, but then republicans gained more seats in the house of representatives and they were against the train for various reasons. The project probably wouldn't have succeeded anyway though because the government was trying to spread it's money to thin instead of focusing on one area. The money for the project was instead spent on improving the railways that the U.S already has.
