Politics from makiya weli

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makiya weli was the first one to do the great work for the politics. He was a Italian Writer and helped to few conqueror Medieval European era. We can start from him to the our days. Very interesting topic. What are guys thinking.


Machiavelli was one of the founders of modern political science - I would not see him as a mediaval writer at all. He was the first one who focussed on how things are, not how things should be. Furthermore his theories show a surprising lack of god. His works still are a good instrument for analyzing modern politics - even if it sometimes hurts how sharp his point of view is. But that is not HIS fault! For me: Both a great philosopher and pragmatist.

I studied Machiavelli's thought in high school, and I liked him, not only for his political significance but also because even in everyday life his words are real.
For example, I love it when he talks about the relationship between virtue and fortune.
I bought "The Prince" some time ago, I hope I can read it in the future!

I didn't read the "the prince". I know it is the greatest book that he wrote. He wrote it for the Lorenzo I think if my memory is correct.
Yeah I believe he was the founder of Modern Politics. He was a great analyzer.
He wrote some for his own benefits. About what the ruler should do and how the ruler should be. Those are could be true and it seems real. That is how a ruler should behave if he is to consolidate the power. But he could have been more transparent and do something for the good of all.

Il Principe is a highly overrated book, imho. merely the attempt to brownnose his way into the Medici family.
If there's anything worth reading from Machiavelli, I'd say it's Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio.

but that's just my two cents tbh.

[edit: I'm not saying that it's not worth reading though, if you haven't. at last, it had its impact on (western) political thought, takes less than one day to read and since its copyright has expired some 400 years ago, you should find a free copy somewhere pretty easily]

Modificato da istanblues .

The Prince is "a book for gangsters" as Bertrand Russell said. I'll see and raise him: The Prince is an instruction manual on "how to train your tyrant!" Among the precepts espoused by Machiavelli: leaders should always mask their true intentions, avoid inconsistency, and frequently “act against mercy, against faith, against humanity, against frankness, against religion, in order to preserve the state.” Perfect recipes for cunning tyrants seeking for the reign. I bet it was one of the adored bedside books of Mussolini for example. He was the unfortunate inventor of the term raison d’etat or “reasons of state”. After all, his intent was not to create an universal frame for philosophy of politics but a simple call for a "Caesar" to unite Italian city states under the banner of Florence. He defends " the ends justify the means", that is a licence for any sort of violation since he acts an amoral cynic. Let me hint some passages from the book regarding to the matter: "When you injure someone, do it in a way so that he cannot take revenge.", "Cultivate an enemy so you can intimidate others by crushing them publicly.", "It is natural and normal to take territories that do not belong to you. ", "In order to get a secure hold on new territories, one need merely eliminate the surviving members of the family of their previous rulers." and many more. We should not get nowadays politics based on a realistic view of corrupted and brute human nature.

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