Climate change 정치 및 정부

Hi every one! I want to ask you about your interest in climate change.
Do you feel concerning about it?
Does your country apply rules to create less carbon than before COP21? If your answer is yes, what are they?
What about carbon tax ?

I'm very interested in climate change as we all should be in my opinion.
I went striking in stuttgart with Fridays for future recently.

Yes! Thank you for your action Liinda.hh 😉 👍

I'm very interested in climate change as we all should be in my opinion.
I went striking in stuttgart with Fridays for future recently.
That's great! Now that you mention it, here's a very interesting video for anyone who has been approached by "scepticists", especially from the AfD. It's in German though 🙂

I think climate change is the greatest threat human kind will ever have seen. But I am going crazy if I see how much people aren't concerned about it.

It is an important topic and everyone has to take part to safe the world.
And at Linda you were "striking" so tell me how do you want to safe the world and what do you want to change. Tell me your solutions and plans.

Je te réponds en français puisque tu es française :
Oui, je me sens concernée pour le climat. Je fais des petites actions comme par exemple mettre les déchets organiques dans un compost ou faire du vélo. Je sens que ce n'est pas assez. J'aimerais m'engager, mais il y a tellement de causes qui me révoltent que je suis un peu perdue.
Et toi ?

It's basically funny that people say that the climate changes because it's now suddenly hotter than normal. That climate isn't directly equal to the weather. But that'll affect it later on once that climate has changed. Even though strange weather happens anyway the last time

It's basically funny that people say that the climate changes because it's now suddenly hotter than normal. That climate isn't directly equal to the weather. But that'll affect it later on once that climate has changed. Even though strange weather happens anyway the last time

You're right! Those are two different things. And it would be nonesens to say that a couple of hot days are a prove of climate change, since "climate" describes a very long-term trend in weather. So global warming doesn't show through thing like a temperature of 37° and rather through things like the last years setting new records in temperature and most of the hottest years on record being in the last decade

It is an important topic and we need all to do our best and act together to prevent it! Hat off for Greta Thunberg!!!

My position on this issue is that it is already important. However, we should not, as here, in the European Union, push it up to such an extent that it makes you vomit. I also think it's stupid to go to demonstrations or students to "skip school". Because they do not have any opinion on this subject yet. It would have to be carefully considered and weighed up in order to form an opinion. Some don't even know why they go to demonstrations. . . the answer would be to avoid going to school. And what about China and India!? There's so much smock in the air, they don't itch. And why then, as a "small European Union";, should we try to change the climate! I can't understand that Greta. . . she's 16! She doesn`t have anything better to do than deal with the climate!? Then I will say right away that we can live as prehistoric men again. Although, you can't, because of the open fire...

As for me, I'm mostly concerned about contamination of water and ground with plastics. I think that plastic bottles and fossil must be forbidden because they are not normally recycled. I am concerned about dangerous landfills of old electronics, it is told to be recycled, but just sent to the poorest countries. We turned our planet into a mess in 30 or 40 years🙁

I also think it's stupid to go to demonstrations or students to "skip school". Because they do not have any opinion on this subject yet. It would have to be carefully considered and weighed up in order to form an opinion. Some don't even know why they go to demonstrations. . . the answer would be to avoid going to school.

I could not disagree more. Why would we not yet be able to form oppinions? A lot of those protesting don't know how to solve climate change, but they don't have to know how. They just have to know that something needs to happen. Climate scientists can tell the how, we are yelling the NOW!

I recall having read Russia publicly doesn’t care because they’re going to get more arable ground and better life conditions etc. etc.

Personally, what sadden me the most, except in Russia, is the lowering of biodiversity…

I guess we’ll be able to deal with climate change (though we’ll loose lot of money…)

I think it's great the kids are protesting (and adults as well). We need to actively change things now. The old fossil fuel oligarchy is way too complacent. I love Greta. I think she is awesome.

Most of what I think has been said here. So I only add, that no matter if you you blieve in climate change or not, it can't be bad to care about environment. At least, we all live here and want to be healthy, have fresh air, love clear blue lakes, etc. It's kind of strange that people get enraged if someone smokes next to them but are not bothered by walking next to a road full of cars with a baby buggy. That's kind of insane, don't you think? If we learn to see the small things, we will change the big. I try to live without plastic. That is my project in 2020. What is yours? To the "Fridays for future" movement: Stay strong! Discussions like this one here show that things are getting in motion!

Hat on and back turned for Greta !
This debate about the climate changes is a total waste off time !
People are paradoxical and that is why this debate should not exist... until people will stop to have their paradoxical minds
And concerning the older people that are active on this debate... you may have your point, but stay quiet in silence because we are inheriting your world based on fossil energies and other environmental woes ... even if red flags were present already for a long time ago and you've simply ignored it...

For the simple minds that do not understand what are the paradoxes I'm talking about, here are some starts of reflection for you:
- Smokers that, by the action of a not optimized combustion inherent to their cigarettes, release gazes that participate in the climate changes (and of course we are not talking about the fate off the cigarette butts...)... while shouting loud for climate.
- Kids that were shoot in pictures, descending from SUV for striking for the climate, and, of course, going to eat in a McDonald/KFC/Burger King after...
- All the media (phones, computers, TV's, tablets, ... ) that are made from rare materials, extract from Africa in non-environmental/-human conditions, built in China before exporting in the Occidental World where people are so addicted to it.
- People that find normal to go abroad for vacation at least 1x/year... taking plane cause "I have only 1week off".
- Buying food in market, coming from far abroad, cause we are in winter and "I want Pineapple now" and local food/season fruits/vegetables are more expensive or less "exotic/interesting".
- The Quinoa environment problem in cultures ...
- People who are not tolerate infection or other medical complications... forcing hospital to throw HUGE amounts of plastic, metal, etc.. after only one use or sometimes less cause "it was hit by a theoretical exposition"...
- The consumption of antibiotics and chemotherapy because death is unfair so we have to act, because each life is always worth to be live till the end, no matter the age, the previous patient conditions, etc... where do you think all these products go when the patients urinate, are burred, etc... (And we are, of course, not talking about the misuses and unappropriated uses of medicines and antibiotics... ).
- People "having no more time and being forced" to take their car in all occasions.
- The HUGE amount of food wasted because of disliked forms/calibers, expiration date just exceeded, etc...
- Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Tinder, etc... Do you know the energy needed to run servers and cool the infrastructures, especially for so important things...
- Many of you want to travel in life, visit other cultures, etc... I'm sure that you will take your bicycle or a non-fossil way for it... and for what ? What more-important-than-the-Earth pretext will you advance ?
- People against war and colonization "because it is bad" and preferring letting the situation roast for decades in horrible human/environmental conditions...
- People banishing (or even more, excommunicate) fossil engines for electric engines because it is "green"... (So simple-minded and cute to see... Just to know, do you think after how many years a wind turbine is "environmentally profitable", especially those implanted in the middle of seas ?)
- Etc... etc... etc... etc... etc...

In conclusion, remember that the offer always follows the demand: So stop saying that the world is running badly while you are continuing to use it...
So now, stop saying shit, go back to school/work in silence, and change your habits before opening your mouth.
And for those you are totally white and already having environment friendly habits, well congrats... but you are not as many as you may think...

PS: I've only slept 2hours this night because of work... so get no time to be gentle with my words. Please excuse me for it.

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