Hi! Worldwide Financial Crisis began in 2008 and it still exists (or not?) in different parts of the world. Our medias are very often lying about situation in different countries. Please write if you have observed crisis in your country, have it affected you or your relatives/friends, and what is the social opinion about the situation in your country?
I'd begin with Poland:
In worldwide medias there exist an opinion that Poland is facing the crisis really well. It's not true. I can't deny that Poland is the only country in UE not to fall into recession since the begining of the crisis but now we are facing really difficult situation. Unemployment rose to 14,4 %, many people work with contracts with no social cover and lots of young people leave country to go to the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany or the Netherlands. It's been already 3 million people since 2004 (the year of Polish entry to the UE) so if they stayed in Poland it would be about 25% of unemployment. Moreover we have embarassingly low fertility rate, people don't want to have children and schools must be closed(there's no job for professors) and the society is ageing rapidly. Problems are growing, and if yet we haven't had the situation like Spain or Italy, I think we are unfortunately following the same way.