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  • Kaupungit ja maat, joissa olen vieraillut

    I have not traveled to a lot of countries but I have visited:

    - Italy
    - Belgium
    - France
    - Spain
    - China
    - Germany
    - Czech Republic
    - Croatia
    - Austria

    For dream destination, I would like to go to America, Canada, South Korea, Japan, South Africa and Australia.

  • Parhaimmat saavutukseni

    I have not made a lot of accomplishments yet. Hopefully, I will finish high school and go to university and study in other countries.

  • Vieraat kulttuurit

    I like to learn new languages and learn about different cultures. If you have questions about Dutch or Chinese cultures I can help you. Also I like to learn cooking from different countries and watch movies or read books from other cultures. I also like traveling but my parents work a lot so that is sometimes difficult.

  • Olen hyvä...

    I do ballet (classical) since I was 4 years old. I also play piano and like to cook. My best dishes are chicken mango salad and Japanese ramen dish.

  • Henkilökohtainen haaste

    I have some personal challenges:

    - Learn six languages fluently
    - Compete in choreography competition for ballet (is a solo performance)
    - Learn to bake cheesecake
    - Learn Chinese caligraphy (traditional)
    - Learn about lot of cultures and travel to different continents but not by only flying but better to use trains and other transport
    - Hiking swimming and seeing nature in all continents

  • Lempikirjat/kirjailijat/elokuvat

    I like Korean series now like Crash landing on you and movies like Sweet & Sour and Wish you. Other type I like to watch are scary movies (but not really horror movies).

    Also like to read books and magazines (but now only in Dutch).

  • Vuosi ulkomailla asuen

    If I would live in another country for one year I would like to go to China (near where my parents and family come from), America (a big city or near nature), South Korea (Seoul) or Australia (Sydney). I don't know if that is possible in high school or before university and if not maybe after i can get university degree.

  • Aihe, johon et koskaan kyllästy

    My hobbies to talk about are cultures, languages, movies, books, traveling, kpop, digi drawing, sports, nature, cooking, crafts and creative things, music, caligraphy, ballet, pets, politics and environment and other interesting things. I also like to visit museums and I got a museum card as present so I can go to many museums in The Netherlands free. From art I like paintings the most and also scientific museum NEMO in Amsterdam.

  • Maailman parantaminen

    I think it is important to use less airplanes and instead using other transport like trains or sharing car trips. Also I try to order less online for shopping but that is not difficult because I have not lot of savings. 🙂 And maybe everybody can try volunteer work or help people around them also if you dont know them and they need help.

  • Taidot

    My skills are ballet, playing piano, cooking, digi drawing and crafts, taking care of our pet (a cat), babysitting, caligraphy (beginner) and playing traditional game go.

