

  • 3
  • Κάτι να πεις στον κόσμο!

    I love music, a good book, and being outdoors! I have two cats and a dog and a boyfriend, so I'm good in that department. Looking for a new friend. I prefer snail mail. 🙂

  • Πόλεις και χώρες που έχω επισκεφθεί

    I have been to Canada, which I loved, as well as many states in the US. I technically went to Mexico but was not there long. Obviously, I have many more places to go!

  • Τα πιο σημαντικά μου κατορθώματα

    Hmm... I have a lot of personal accomplishments that I am very proud of. That's a longer story though. Professionally, I was a bartender for years while I went to school, and now I am an insurance agent. I took a break from school and then COVID hit, so TBD on that. To be honest, paying my bills and keeping healthy relationships with friends and family is an accomplishment these days.

  • Το ενδιαφέρον μου για άλλες κουλτούρες

    I am interested in learning more about people from all over the world! It would be so interesting to talk to people from other countries and parts of the world.

  • Είμαι ειδικός σε...

    Downing a whole entire pizza in one sitting, annoying my cats, compartmentalizing, multi-tasking, and many more. 😉

  • Μία προσωπική πρόκληση

    The hardest thing I have ever done? Oh gosh.. that would have to be leaving behind a situation that wasn't good for me, but also leaving behind people I cared about. Vague, I know.

  • Αγαπημένα βιβλία/συγγραφείς/ταινίες

    I read a lot. All kinds of books- mysteries, classics, sci-fi, etc. I pretty much love them all. I watch a lot of Netflix and Hulu, pretty much exhausted all of what they have to offer. Recommendations welcome.

  • Ζώντας στο εξωτερικό για έναν χρόνο

    Honestly, anywhere would be cool. I haven't been many places.

  • Πάντα απολαμβάνω να μιλάω για...

    Psychology. I love the way our brains work. Psych is what I was studying in school before the pandemic, and it is always so intriguing. I also can't ever get enough of talking about my pets.

  • Κάνοντας τον κόσμο ένα καλύτερο μέρος

    So so much... End the hate. End the bullshit. Get better leadership.

  • Προσωπικές δεξιότητες

    Hmm.. I was always pretty good in school. I love to sing, I like to think I'm good at it. I definitely have people skills, but whether I'm an introvert or extrovert depends on the day. I guess most of my skills aren't really all that interesting.

  • Παιδικές απολαύσεις

    I loved being outside. Still do. I would ride anything with wheels- scooter, roller blades, bike, etc. I loved reading then, too, and you always found me with a book. My love for music was sparked as a child, so you'd often hear me singing or trying my hand at some musical instrument.

  • Πρόσφατα έμαθα...

    "Learnt"? Is that right?
    I recently learned about the stock market. We are trying our hands at it for some extra cash.

  • 10 χρόνια από τώρα

    Hopefully married to my current boyfriend, probably have a couple kids. I'd love to have a huge property where we can build our house and have animals and clear, open sky.

  • Είμαι ενθουσιασμένος/η για...

    Having a penpal! 🙂

  • Ήταν καλύτερο πριν

    Technology. Don't get me wrong, it's great. But I would love it if the simplicity returned.

  • Οι γονείς μου κι εγώ

    My mom is a teacher, a good one. She's quirky and over-protective, and once we made it past the teenage years, we have been best of friends. My dad is an interesting fellow. A jock, class clown, smart-ass. He loves me to death, but he has some flaws I could do without. My parents are divorced and should be. The biggest difference between them and me is that I am simply more tolerant of things that are "different", and my bills are more expensive.

  • Μετάνοιες ζωής

    Not before a couple of drinks.

