
Esma-Nur ενεργός/ ή

  • Ένα κόλπο ή μία συμβουλή

    Don‘t trust anyone, even your shadow let you alone at night!

  • Κάτι να πεις στον κόσμο!

    Hi My name is Esmanur and I am from Turkey but live in Germany!

  • Υπερεκτιμημένο ή Υποτιμημένο

    Overrated: Anime, Orang juice, Mc Donald
    Underrated: History, Math, Chemistry, Physics

  • Οι γονείς μου κι εγώ

    My Parents are strict, I have the feeling their name are strictus (my dad) stricta (my mom) they re like not even want to let me go somewhere without telling (i have the feeling i cant even go pee without telling them). My mom is worster then my dad she 2 times almost didnt let me to class outing (a trip for a week) and in the 9/10 i ll go to rome (i hope) and she doesnt want to let me go. And i have the feeling i let my self used even though i love them and myself (ig)

