

  • 4
  • Villes et pays visités

    I travelled around in Europe quite a lot: Germany, Liechtenstein, Italy, France, Ukraine, Poland, Croatia, Slowenia, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Belgium, England, Scotland
    And last but not least; Switzerland is where I live.

    I really enjoyed Scotland (espacially the nature!). But also Ukraine was quite an experience, as many things are different than in my home country.

  • Vivre à l'étranger pendant un an

    I would love to go to England to get a british accent in my English! And I also would really like to live in Sweden for a longer period, as I hear and read a lot of great things about that country!

  • Je suis un(e) expert(e) à...

    I would say that I am quite good in everything that has to do with technical devices. I really enjoy watching technology evolve.

  • J'aime toujours parler de...

    Personally I like to talk about climate, youth, technology. Furthermore I really like to listen to other's life's stories!

  • Plaisirs d'enfance

    When I was a younger it was easier to get to know each other. And there were never any akward situations! I really enjoyed how open young people are about other people!

